Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cover of the Week - Spawn & Zatanna

For this week's edition of Cover of The Week, we have two out of the left field choices. Want to know which ones they are? You are going to have to hit the jump to find out.

Ryan L.'s Covers of the Week - Spawn #204 by Szymon Kudranski

Ryan L.: I don't think I've ever read a single Spawn comic. I doubt I ever really will, to be honest. Now knowing that the title is over 200 issues almost cements the fact this book isn't for me. But if I were ever to read it I could only imagine it would be because of Kudranski's art. This cover is the sort of thing Bill Sienkiewicz would have done back in the day. The sketchy quality and brilliant green colouring make me think of Clive Barker. This cover only gives me good vibes. A shame I'll never know what's in it.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Zatanna #10 by Stephane Roux

Matt: This cover is just great. A very simple idea, but so beautifully rendered that artist Stephane Roux  who takes it to a whole new level. It´s playful and eye catching, but the wrong artist could have turned it into something degrading and exploitative.

Runner-Ups: 5 Ronin #2, Batgirl #19, Venom #1

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maskedmanissue1 said...

That Spawn cover is just the icing on the cake. The art inside is just as stunning. Both Spawn and Elephantmen outdid themselves this week on that department.

Marc said...

Ryan, you're not missing a single thing by not reading Spawn. A couple years ago I decided to read the first trade just to see what it was all about, and I couldn't even make it halfway through. That is a great cover, though!

Anonymous said...

its Stephane Roux, not Stephanie Roux! ;)

Dean said...

I have to say that Justice League: Generation Lost was my favourite this week. The use of white space in it perfectly captures the mood of that issue.

monopoly said...

The artist of the Zatanna cover is Stephane Roux, not Stephanie. I made the same error when I first saw his name, hilariously enough.

Matt Duarte said...

Thanks for the heads up on my mistake. To make matters worse, I think I've already made this mistake once already. Poor Stephane...

maskedmanissue1 said...

Yep, the variant for JL:GL was a little weird in lighting, but the standard cover was classic.

Hey, where are the moments of the week?

Matt Duarte said...

@Maskedman: Going to post them in a few minutes.

maskedmanissue1 said...

Thanks Matt! Always looking forward to the MotW!

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