Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cover of the Week - Doctor Strange: From The Vault & Weird Worlds

It's time for another edition of Cover of The Week! This time around we have a true rarity, as both of the winning covers were drawn by the same artist! Additionally, Ryan wanted to showcase something he found odd in one of these week's cover. Hit the jump to see more.

Ryan L.'s Covers of the Week - Doctor Strange: From The Marvel Vault #1 by Mario Alberti

Ryan L.: This is the ultimate Doctor Strange cover, in my eyes. I love the sketchy, pencilled quality about it. The colours work perfectly over it. It's simple and yet eye catching. Strange's cape feels the need to exit the cover and then reappear, you gotta love that. This, like I say about many of my Cover of the Week choices, could easily be a poster. Simple and elegant, much like the man himself.

This week I'm picking a second cover because...well, actually this second one is a bit of a cover fail - compare the two versions and see for yourself:

Captain America Hail HYDRA! #2 by Adi Granov 

This is a great cover, right? Iconic poses. Granov's usual smooth quality. Kick ass old school costumes. I would have seriously considered this cover for my main choice, except for one main problem. This is the original Avengers - where's Giant Man? Oh, there he is.

If you look back to the first cover now you will probably notice the chin you had been ignoring before. Such a shame. I'd like to do some big rail against Marvel for cropping the big guy out but Granov surely knows each cover gets a dress slapped on it and you have to make room for it. Or did he think the title would go down the bottom? And if so, why didn't it? Hmm...

Matt's Cover of the Week - Weird Worlds #2 by Mario Alberti

Matt: I'm not sure if this was supposed to be part of DC's iconic covers, but the composition and colors look much more stronger than the rest of them. It's very eye catching, and the style is delightfully European. 

Runner-Ups: Daken: Dark Wolverine #5, Freedom Fighters #6, She-Hulks #4

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