Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cover of the Week - Fantastic Four & Avengers vs. Pet Avengers

Your eyes are not deceiving you, it's a Cover of the Week on a Saturday! I'm switching things up a bit, because tomorrow I will be posting what you have all been waiting for: Moments of The Week! Come back tomorrow for that. In the mean time, we have yet another strong week for covers, and I am sure many of you will have your own favorites. Hit the jump to see the winning covers, and let us know in the comments which one you thought were the best.

Ryan L.'s Cover of the Week - Fantastic Four #585 by Alan Davis

Ryan L.: This cover just keeps standing out and it's because of Namor - which is funny because he got a look in for my cover last week as well. I just love that smug stance of his, especially with Sue at his feet like some sort of prize. This is how he sees the world, and himself in it, every day, I have no doubt. I also dig this cover because by any other artist it might not have worked so well but here it has a polish and sheen that must be respected.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Avengers vs. Pet Avengers #2 by Ig Guara

Matt: Say what you will about the Pet Avengers, but their series always have incredible covers. This one presents a match-up between Lockheed and Fin Fang Foom, and let's be honest, that's totally awesome. 

Runner-Ups:  Deadpool #29, Justice League: Generation Lost #13, Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #3

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Zdenko said... 1

Does that mean that there'll be 2 Moments of the Week or just a special Moments of 2 Weeks Edition tomorrow? :P

That FF cover is awesome, though. It reminded of Frazetta's Conan covers. :)

Jarmir said... 2

That pet avenger cover is awesome! Love how lockheed is staying there looking like Fing Fang Foom is a push over :D

Matt Duarte said... 3

@zdenko: Just one, I'm afraid, and of this week, but it's going to be a big one.

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