Kirk: I'm a huge Baron Zemo fan and he's never looked as good as he has in this Marko Djurdjevic cover.
Runners-Up: Justice League: Generation Lost #3, PunisherMAX #8, Secret Six #22
Posted by
Matt Duarte
6:21 PM
Thought Bubbles: Cover of the Week
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My name is Kirk Warren and I’m a full time comic fan blowing my pay cheques on way too many comics every week.
Back in the early 90's, my mother bought me a Spider-Man comic to shut me up on a trip. I didn’t know it at the time, but that moment changed my life. Since then I've become a full blown comic fan and now purchase well in excess of 20 comics per month plus trades and other comic related goods.
As you can see, I've taken my hobby to the next step with this blog and it's allowed me to connect every single day with thousands of people that share the same passion I have for comics and I wouldn't change that for the world.
Whew, Kirk, you saved it this week. While the other two covers were good, Captain America 606 along with it's variant really jumped out at me. And while David Finch usually isn't my cup of tea, his cover on Batman 700 caught my eye.
Speaking of eye-catching covers...Titans 24, Jokers Asylum Harley Quinn 1, and Meta 4's first issue did the job for me.
Kirk, a lot of people seem mad that Zemo is apparently going back to "absolutely evil" mode. How do you feel about that?
@Ivan - I don't like the flip back to Saturday morning villain motivation after everything Fabian and Busiek did with him in Thunderbolts. However, I'm just happy to see him in a comic again. It's been a while. This first issue was pretty light on the Zemo aspects. We know what Brubaker said in some interviews, but there's still no definite 'have to do this for my father' type explanation given by Zemo himself. Have to wait and see the rest of the storyarc before passing full judgement, but I'm happy with what we've gotten so far.
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