Monday, June 7, 2010

Cover of the Week - Avengers: The Origin

Holy smack, are we running late with Cover of the Week or what? I think the delay in last week's comics has totally thrown off our schedule. Anyway, let's skip all the formalities and jump right to the winning cover. There's only one, but it's a heck of a cover. Hit the jump to see it.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Avengers: The Origin #3 by Phil Noto

Matt: This series has had some great covers so far, but this one is amazing. Just incredibly iconic and eye catching stuff, really. And the colors! Simple yet striking in Ant-Man's body, but more complex in his helmet and in the reflection of Wasp.

Runners-Up: Heralds #1, The Joker's Asylum: The Riddler, Thor and The Warriors Four #4

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Anonymous said... 1

good cover of the week Wizard Magazine!

uhm sorry, I tought this was the Marvel Magazine called wizard

Anonymous said... 2

@Anonymous #1 - You troll.

Two-Bit Specialist said... 3

@Anonymous #1 - You troll.

Anonymous said... 4


@the weekly crisis: the heralds cover is just amazing who did that one? Is that artist doing also the interiors? that would be pure awesomess.

A friend of mine told me that "The Joker's Asylum: The Riddler" has some hidden easter eggs... do you know if that is true and what are those?

Matt Duarte said... 5

@Great Anon: That Heralds cover is by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic, and it is indeed pretty awesome. The interiors are by somebody else with a very different style, but they are pretty great too, if you ask me.

Anonymous said... 6


@Matt: is she related to marko djurdjevic? if she is I can see their distinctive style. Just awesome man

Matt Duarte said... 7

I do believe that they are husband and wife, but don't quote me on it, 'cause I might be horribly wrong. But yeah, she's been done more covers lately for Marvel, and they have a very similar style.

Anonymous said... 8

So Anon 1: you want to tell me which DC cover you thought was better than that? 'Cause my DC pull list had mostly fecal matter for covers. Just saying.

Anonymous said... 9


and the MARVEL vs DC war continues, damn!

I wish all the readers were just like me, I love me some iron man, avengers, green lantern, secret six, invincible and atomic robo and do not think that DC are printing only shit or that marvel are bullies or that Dark Horse or Image are laughable.

I just enjoy my comics.

Peace guys.

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