This week's Cover of the Week was a runaway victory for S.W.O.R.D. #5 and it easily ranks as one of the best covers of the year so far. Ryan L., Matt and myself all chose it as our CotW. Hit the jump to see what all the fuss was about.
Kirk: Gonna have to agree with Ryan here. It's a one horse race for me this week with S.W.O.R.D. as my one and only choice for Cover of the Week. Even on the best of weeks for covers, this would be a tough one to beat. I wonder if the series would have been received better or ordered more if they had led with such a stunning cover instead of the bland character sketch with a title slapped on it that was used on the earlier covers. First impressions are everything and those were very weak covers and the only real images for retailers to order based upon.
Matt: I'm going to be honest, I was looking through all the covers to see if another one caught my eye. I didn't want all of us to end up choosing the same one, but it really is a wonderful cover. Aside from the Steranko-bits, I can't help but feel there's a bit of Tex Avery cartoonish feel to it. I'm not sure if that makes sense to any one else, but in the end I absolutely love this cover.
Great choice; I liked the 4th issue cover more, but this is one is pretty good too. I must admit that initially I didn't care for SWORD, but thanks to your suggestions I ended up buying the issues (by the time issue 3 was published) and loved it. It's a shame that it had to end this quickly because it certainly had potential
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