Monday, December 28, 2009

Cover of the Week - MA: Spider-Man #58

I told you the regular columns were running late, didn't I? We usually post the Cover of the Week choices on Sunday. Also, this one is all up to me as both Kirk and Ryan have been quite busy this Christmas weekend. So hit the jump to see my choice for Cover of the Week!

Matt's Cover of the Week: Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man #58

Matt: As usual, Skottie Young knocks it out of the park with this MA: Spider-Man cover. It's full of personality, and it tells a story, and whoever did the colors (be it Young himself or someone else) also did a great job on it.

Runners-Up: World's Finest #3, New Mutants #8 & New Avengers #60

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Maxy Barnard said...

New Mutants #8 was my darling this week, but I can understand something as amazing as a Skottie Young cover being the cover of the week. man's not made a misstep in forever art wise!

Steve said...

I somehow missed that Spidey cover in the solicits, but it totally deserved CotW. Young is a serious talent and this one stands out from his consistently impressive work.

Brandon Whaley said...

That Young cover is the stuff.

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