Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cover of the Week - Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter, Lockjaw & the Pet Avengers, and Scalped

Have you guys been enjoyed our coverage of Blackest Night? I sure hope you have, but we take a break now to look at some of our favorite covers of this past week, in another edition of Cover of the Week!

This week, we have 200% more animals and 200% more gaping mouths that we normally do. Kirk , Ryan, and myself went with covers that featured a space horse with skull-like teeth, animals at the bottom of the ocean, and a big skull (it's not the cover you think!). Hit the jump to see who chose what and why.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Beta Ray Bill - Godhunter #2

Kirk: Just loved the imagery of this cover. You know your in for an awesome issue when you've got a brutal depicition of the battle between Beta Ray Bill and the Silver Surfer like this cover depicts.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #3

Matt: The expressions of the pets is what really sells me on this image, particularly Niles desperation. Karl Kerschl really knows how to draw the Pet Avengers, and has been rocking it with his covers.

Ryan's Cover of the Week - Scalped #30

Ryan: I love the mixed-media feel of this cover by Jock. It's gruesome, horrifying, and, most importantly, captivating. This is the type cover you can't look away from.

Runner-ups: Superman/Batman #62, Final Crisis Aftermath - Escape #3, Dead@17 - Afterbirth #2

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Matthew Hex said... 1

That scalped cover is very cool

Maxy Barnard said... 2

Has lockjaw managed to go one month without making it onto Cover of the Week? further evidence of how awesome it is i suppose

Matt Duarte said... 3

@Flip, it's usually the variants that make it cover of the week though. I think this is the first time the original cover gets CoTW.

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