With the holiday today, it looks like
Diamond is taking an extra day and comics won't be coming out until Thursday this week. As such, I've put off the
Post-Crisis Previews until tomorrow (Diamond won't update their final release list until tomorrow either) and reviews, obviously, won't be until Thursday.
As such, you'll have to put up with the oft-delayed Cover of the Week for last week's book, this time featuring choices from all four of us. Four? Yes, if you didn't hear last week,
Ryan "the Iowan" Schrodt joined our ranks and will be contributing from here on out, including the
Cover of the Week feature. Hit the jump to see our picks and reasons why.
Matt's Cover of the Week - Invincible #62
Matt: I think this cover works particularly well because of the heavy use of shadows and dark colours, making for a very moody piece of art. One question though, shouldn't they have changed the color font for the title to go along with the costume change as well?
Eric's Cover of the Week - Punisher #5
Eric: I chose Punisher #5, both covers - I liked these double covers from the first Punisher arc. A gimmick, sure, but an interesting one and this one is a homage, too.
Ryan's Cover of the Week - Hack/Slash #22
Ryan: I love the over-the-top nature of this cover. It's dark, demented, and yet incredibly playful. Plus, the use of the moonlight is very cool.
Kirk's Cover of the Week - Superman/Batman #60
Kirk: This series sees its share of this type of cover, but this one really stood out to me. I loved how the city flowed out of Batman's cape and the colouring of the cover.
Runners-up: Wolverine: Weapon X #2, Olympus #1, Captain America #50

That Punisher cover reminds me of an early issue of Ultimate X-Men where Wolverine slaughters everybody. You find out it was just a Danger Room simulation, but I'd be lying if there wasn't a bit of fanboy in me that was like "Hell yeah!"
The Manapul cover is gorgeous. The stuff I've seen from his upcoming Adventure book is even better. Hopefully we'll get to see more of his work this year.
This month's Supergirl cover was notable, too, if only for the fact that Kara didn't look like jailbait and Superwoman's butt-shot, well, wasn't a butt-shot.
Damn, I had forgotten there was a holiday this week. That probably means my comics are going to be late this week too.
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