Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Scott Kolins
Best issue this week, by far. I'm not sure what it is about Final Crisis' tie-ins, but they are almost all, universally, amazing and superior to the main event title in every way. While it's hard to compare a mini-series to a single issue, I'm tempted to say I enjoyed Rogues' Revenge more than the Martian Manhunter send off, Final Crisis: Requiem, and I was heralding that issue as the best issue of the year back when it came out.
In fact, the only negative thing I have to say about this issue is that it's the last one for this mini-series. Well, that and Kolins are makes everyone look like they're melting for some reason, but my point still stands - this is easily the best book this week and you do yourself a disservice not picking this series up. I'm not even sure if trade waiting is an acceptible excuse at this point, and that's something I never say about comics, especially pricier ones like these Final Crisis tie-ins.
Just what made this issue, and series, so good? Well, that would be the excellent characterization on Johns' part. As someone that has never followed the Flash outside of random appearances in other books or internet / wikipedia surfing, I can honestly say I love these characters and want to find out more about them after reading about them in this series. In fact, I've pushed the Johns Flash run up to the top of my wishlist for future trade / back issue purchases and will be going out of my way to read those issues after this. If that's not enough of a reason to give this series a shot, I'm not sure what will persuade you.
Basically, this issue wraps up the whole Zoom / Inertia subplot and sets up the Rogues, and Flash titles, for the upcoming Flash: Rebirth event sometime next year while also tying up all the loose ends concerning Libra and the Rogues' revenge on the Inertia for the whole killing Bart Allan fiasco.
Of course, these are all secondary to the fleshing out of the numerous Rogues and it's their personalities and interactions, of which I'd buy a Rogues title to read more of, that permeates every facet of the story. These other events are important and interesting in their own right, but, in my eyes, only serve to further expand upon and flesh out the Rogues.
Of all these plots the Zoom / Inertia subplot, in particular, ended rather abruptly with Inertia quickly mastering Zoom's use of time travel / speed and turning those powers against Zoom, reverting him to a cripple, before the Rogues, hot for his blood, show up and quickly, and definitively, kill him. I was actually hoping to see more of the Inertia / Zoom team and thought they'd make a good duo to combat the quickly expanding number of Flashes in the DCU, but, alas, it was not to be. Zoom being depowered was also a shock. I thought he'd be a big part of the Flash titles post-Rebirth, but he looks to be out of the picture for the foreseeable future.
Verdict - Must Read. I can't say enough good things about this title. Just a joy to read and it reminds me of why I read comics.
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