Thursday, September 4, 2008

Green Lantern #34 Review

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis and Oclair Albert

Easily the best of the Secret Origin story, this issue shows how the fight between Atocitus and the two "powerless" Green Lantern played out.

I'm not sure if I'm happy or disappointed by the copout recharging of Sinestro and Hal's rings at the start of this issue. On one hand, I didn't want a repeat of Green Lantern #25, where we had the 3 way powerless battle between Kyle, Hal and Sinestro.

On the other hand, what was the point of even having that sequence other than to hand the device over to Black Hand? It just felt like a cheap cliffhanger and was the only thing I was conflicted over after reading this otherwise excellent issue.

As I said, this shows off the fight with Atrocitus, who doesn't really seem to have any powers other than being super strong (I assume his alien biology makes him strong?). It's hard to see him as the architect of the Blackest Night with so little development, but it's early and I imagine we'll see more in the Final Crisis tie-in and future Green Lantern issues.

Basically, Atrocitus tries to kill the two GL's, makes some vague Blackest Night prophecies, such as how Sinestro is one of the few that could possibly stop them, and is promptly defeated after Hal uses his ring to destroy the yellow back hoe Atrocitus was about to crush Sinestro with.

This was when the rings couldn't work on yellow, so Hal is shocked and quick to brag, but Sinestro denies it happening and talks about his own attempts at breaching the yellow spectrum. Denial? Too proud to admit someone was better than him? Doesn't want to reveal this to the Guardians? Seems odd Sinestro would ignore something so obvious like this, even if he wasn't the one to do it.

Speaking of Sinestro, he stole the show in this issue. From his Kilowog construct to his lecturing of Hal and everything in between, it was all perfect. I'd honestly buy a Sinestro: Year One or other flashback series of his Green Lantern days for stuff like this.

Shockingly, the two Green Lanterns are court marshalled by the Guardians for fraternizing with each other for too long, despite Sinestro being sent by the Guardians directly, ending our issue.

Verdict - Must Read. This is everything the Secret Origin should have been from the start and almost makes me forget those first few repeat issues. Has me pumped for Green Lantern again after several months of decline post-Sinestro Corps War.

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