Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Green Lantern #29 Review

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis and Oclair Albert

This was everything I feared it would be - a complete and utter rehash of Hal Jordan's origin. There's about two pages at the end with Amon Sur talking to the Red Lantern alien from previous issues and it was about the only interesting thing in the entire issue.

I guess a recap is in order. Hal Jordan was a little boy that loved seeing his daddy fly planes. His daddy died in a plane crash, but Hal persisted in his no fear attitude and, on his 18th birthday, enrolled in the Air Force and became a test pilot for the army. Sound like a wikipedia entry yet? It keeps going. From there we see how he's a hot shot pilot with nary a care in the world and reckless to boot. The rehash takes us up to where Hal's mother died of cancer in the hospital, he washed out of the Air Force, since his mother doesn't want to see him as a pilot like his father and so he wouldn't have to quit, and see how he doesn't make it to see her before she dies.

Simply put, it was a waste of my time and money to buy this issue. Johns claimed in interviews this Secret Origins stuff wasn't going to be just a simple retread and, based on this issue, that's just about all it was. If you just jumped on Green Lantern with the Sinestro Corps War and don't know anything about Hal, then, yes, this could be seen as a decent issue, but this is not new material. It's not even close to being new material. We've seen bits and pieces of this issue scattered about Johns' run already. It's not even new material from him.

As I mentioned above, for $2.99, you get to read about 2 pages of new material at the end with Amon Sur, in a near fanatical state, which was quite the contrast from the way he's been presented when he gave Hal the ring, was the only interesting part of this issue. Why couldn't the entire issue be focused on Amon Sur's quest to know more about the prophecies surrounding the Blackest Night? It would have at least justified picking this issue up.

Verdict - Avoid It. Unless you have no idea who Hal Jordan is, you're wasting your money. Not even the art could save this, as it was far from Reis, or possibly the colourists, finest outing. Just hit up Wikipedia and you'll be fine.

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