One thing I'd like to say about the whole process is that it was a tonne of work. Not overly hard, but long and tedious and more so due to the limitations of the free Blogger capping new posts at about 30 or 40 per 24 hour periods. Afterwards, you must enter those annoying captcha, "Enter xkdi832l", type phrases to post anything.
For reference, my post count was hovering around 150-200 before I started this. As of today, I'm closing in on 1000, all due to adding new pages for every single comic issue I've reviewed since the site launched last year. For some simple instructions and explanations on how to make use of the archives, hit the jump.
So, when you used to hit Reviews or Previews or MOTW or what have you the links would take you the labels page of each item. These are Blogger defaults that just list about 5 posts per page by newest date posted. Not very useful for finding anything.
The new links send you to specific archive pages for each item. For instance, click the Review Archive link above the banner or in the link I just provided and it will take you to the new page where everything is sorted by date. Simply click the appropriate publisher (Marvel, DC or Other) or the first letter of the title of the book and it'll jump you to the appropriate section for easy review perusing. It's the same for the Previews, Moments of the Week and so on.
Here's a quick rundown of each section:
This is the main archive page. It lists every archive, from Reviews, Previews, MotW, News & OP / ED, etc. You can also navigate through each by the dates published or read my personal favourite posts I've done.
You can find the reviews in two ways. By Date or through the Back Issue Bins (By Publisher).
By Date
By Date lists everything by date. Simple enough, right? You can simply click the month you wish to view and it jumps you to the appropriate section where it is broken down by weeks. Weeks are listed as the Wednesday the comics came out on, not Sundays, as normal weeks are listed.
Back Issue Bins (By Publisher)
The Back Issue Bins are where you go for more specific titles. Want all the Green Lantern reviews? Hit DC, select G (or scroll down) and then click Green Lantern. This will load a new page with all the Green Lantern reviews.
The series pages are typically listed in ascending order with a simple description of the events of the issue, such as a death, a tie-in or what have you and followed up by the verdict I gave that specific issue. Click the appropriate link for whatever review you wish to see.
If there are issues with lines crossing them out, I did not have a review for that issue or have not yet extracted the review from one of my posts. If it is not crossed out and there is no link, I just haven't linked it to it's review yet and will have it done shortly.
Post-Crisis Previews
These are lists of all my Post-Crisis Previews and I just archived for posterity sake and they can found by clicking Preview in the navbar or through the archives. You can view my original comments about the issues or read the comments associated with the posts or just find out what was solicited on a certain date.
Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews
Like the Post-Crisis Previews, it's a monthly listing of all my Wednesday review columns.
Final Crisis Comic Book Reviews
Same as above with one exception. This also lists the now defunct Quick Shot Reviews for the past year, all sorted by month.
Moments of the Week
These archives are probably going to be the most popular, as it was fairly difficult to navigate through Blogger's default labels. Like Previews and the review columns, it's by date and easy clicking gets you to the appropriate month.
News & OP / ED
These are listings of all my random posts, like the recent comments on the August DC and Marvel Solicits. You can also find old columns, like Cover to Cover, Crisis of Faith, Comic Book Character Spotlight and so on. Pretty much anything that wasn't a review, preview or moment of the week goes here.
Comic Book Events
This is the only section I haven't finished, but it should be done in the next few days. I simply have to add labels to every major event I've reviewed, like Countdown, Secret Invasion, Batman RIP, etc and then go through the post listings in the dashboard of Blogger and grab all the links and post them on new pages for easy access to all pertinent reviews related to those events. Sounds more complicated than it is, but I was impatient and wanted to launch the archives, so it's left out for the time being.
I think that covers everything. If you made it this far through a probably redundant explanation on how to use an archives section, congratulations. If you skipped to the end, I expect to see you browsing the archives soon. =p
Just to wrap things up, either hit the Archives button at the top or the relevant navbar item you wish to see the archive of or click the Archives label in the Thought Bubbles on the sidebar and you should be in business. You can comment on the archived reviews. If you already commented at the time it came out, know that I'll try to someday go back and repost the comments in the new review sections, but for now, that's just too time consuming to get into.
I hope every enjoys the archives. I put a lot of time and effort into them and I hope it shows through in the presentation and number of different options I've put together. If there is anything you think I missed or that should be an option for the archives, leave a comment or contact me through email and I'll see if it can be done.
If I ever move to my own server where I can use some database options, I'll consider enabling reader reviews for the Back Issue Bins. However, for now, if there's a series I don't regularly cover and you think you're up to reviewing it in a similar format to my own reviews (half summary / half opinion with a Verdict at the end), feel free to contact me through email or to send me a sample review and I'll consider posting it with the appropriate credit to whomever submits it.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the archives!
very happy that you finished these archives and it is much appreciated. your readers (myself included) definitely appreciate the work you put in to this great blog and this feature should be very useful.
awesome work. Now what are you going to do without a project? :P
Hoorah! Go go post machine- Makes me think that it would be cool if someone could just review every comic since 1950 on and put it into a huge archive- kinda like an international comic database lol- Of course i'd spend way to much time at a site like that. Thanks!
hi kirk. good job.
You know what would be awesome and what I think most review sites don't think ahead in implementing is a review search system where
you can search by rating. For example you could click on the reviews and also browse by score or by series, publisher.
IGN has something like it. just a suggestion, I'm sure this was plenty of work already. Thanks.
Thanks for the kind words everyone, glad you're enjoying the new archives.
@ethereal - ahaha, I think I'm going to take a break from the extras for a week or two after I finish the touch ups on the archives. This took the good out of me, but I have something special planned for around the second week of June, so tay tuned for that.
@msavoie1122 - While I have no plans to review everything since 1950 (=p), I do plan to start doing more back issue reviews. Things like Manhunter, which I recently received two more trades of, or older stuff like some of my favourite stories from the past, like 1980's Hobgoblin Stern era work or some 90's events like Infinity Gauntlet or Age of Apocalypse.
On top of that, work on back issues of things like Green Lantern, which was at around issue 22 or so when I started the site. I'd like to maybe do those in TPB form reviews, say issues 1-6, 7-12, etc to catch up quicker, but may do single issue reviews when it's something noteworthy, like early Sinestro Corps tie-ins. I'd like to do this for several series I've been following since before the site launched.
So, while not exactly what you suggested, there should be more back issue reviews now that I have a proper system in place.
@mrpeepants - I was considering making some labels for Must Read, Check It and Avoid It, as those are my main "scoring" criteria. It wouldn't be too much work and I could mass add labels to posts then just find them in the dashboard under that label and provide a quick link page to them all.
I was never a fan of arbitrary number scores like IGN or other sites used. Whats the difference between a 9.2 and a 9.3? Is the 9.3 really better than a 9.2? Seems rather abject and doesn't provide me with any real indication of the quality.
Same with a 2.0 and a 5.0 score. Both suck based on current rating systems (IGNs is like 9+ = Must Read, 7-9 = Check It and < 6.9 = Avoid It on my scale) and it doesn't matter to me how much worse either is.
So, that's why I chose to go with my 3 tiered system. Must Read for anyoen that reads or doesn't read the book. You'll enjoy a Must Read, in my opinion, as it is a complete and incredible comic.
Check It is something that is good, but has problems. It could be a Must Read for you, but I could hate it and not care about the character. It's the standard for most comics.
Avoid It is for comics that are either so awful, no one should read them *coughCountdowncough* or, in rare cases, when an event delivers a dud of a conclusion or a storyline stalls and just gives you some filler issue after a major reveal (I've given some JSA issues Avoid It, despite them being much better than Countdown simply because they were literally filler in this Thy Kingdom Come storyline).
Long winded answer, but felt like justifying the scoring system I use, even though you didn't even question it, and that's why I don't use numerics, too.
I may just set up a Must Read Archive for the titles I feel are, on the whole, Must Reads, like Captain America, Immortal Iron Fist, Blue Beetle, etc. Probably do an Avoid IT and Check It whiel I'm at it.
The biggest difference with me and IGN is they have their own server and a database framework set up. When they write a review, it gets auto-archived, tagged, indexed and the scores and titles get archived to the various search criteria they have for searching by 9.0+ scores or titles by date.
With Blogger's free service, most of mine was done old school brute force method where I do it all manually. If I was using the 1-10 scoring, it would take forever to do what you are asking,b ut I think my simpler method should be doable. I'll see what I can whip up over the next week.
Oh, I didn't have anything wrong with your rating system. Just like you said, it would be ace to browse by "must read" and "check it out" and so on.
The relevant details of the topic, you completely presented a new opinion about the subject and seemingly very important.
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