Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Comic Book Blog / Site Roll Call

As there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of comic book related blogs and websites, it is nearly impossibly to list even a fraction of them on my sidebar without having it extend down into oblivion, effectively never being seen by people. As such, I decided to create a dedicated link section, divided into several sections, such as Publishers, Blogs, Forums and so on.

While I'd love to have every possible comic site listed, I'm trying to keep it to sites that have exceptional quality, update on a regular basis, have unique content or are content leaders in their respective categories, such as news sites or forums.

This is only a starter list and I intend to go through most of them again to make sure they are sites I'd actually go to or feel provide something of value to my readers. If you would like to have your site listed and feel it meets the criteria or matches the quality of the sites I've currently listed, feel free to drop me a link, through my contact form, with a general description of what the site is about (blog, reviews, news, misc., forum, etc).

Note - a * indicates that the link is new

Comic Book Publishers

Dark Horse Comics
DC Comics
Diamond Comic Distributors
Image Comics
Top Cow Productions
Vertigo Comics

Comic Book News Sites

Broken Frontier
Comics Blips - Digg for comics.
Comic Book Resources - Currently the best comic book news resource.
Comics Bulletin
Comics Continum
IGN Comics - Features a lot of fluff pieces, but has the occasional exclusive or great interview.
Indy Magazine - Source for indy related comic book news.
MySpace/ComicBooks - New home of the Joe Quesada Cup Of Joe column.
Newsarama - Going through some serious growing pains with new site redesign.
Sequential Tart
Superhero Hype!
The Comics Reporter
The Pulse
Wizard Universe - Similar to IGN Comics with fluff pieces and a general "buy our magazine" theme. Occasionaly has a nice exclusive or feature.

Comic Book Creator Sites / Blogs

Brian Michael Bendis - Writer of Powers, New & Mighty Avengers, etc.
Brian Lee O'Malley - Writer and artist of Scott Pilgrim.
Brian Reed - Savage Breakfast blog and home of writer, Brian Reed.
Dustin Nguyen - Site features lots of beautiful artwork by the comic book artist.
Ed Brubaker - Writer of Daredevil, Criminal, Immortal Iron Fist, etc.
Gail Simone - Site is actually a Comic Book Resources sub-forum. Current writer of Wonder Woman.
Greg Rucka - Writer of Checkmate, Gotham Central, etc.
Jamie McKelvie - Writer and artist of Suburban Glamour.
Jason Aaron - Writer of Ghost Rider, Scalped and a recent stint on Wolverine.
John Rogers - Former writer of Blue Beetle.
Johnathan Hickman - Writer of The Nightly News, Transhuman and Secret Warriors. Blog is actually known as Pronea.
Joshua Middleton - Excellent artist of books such as NYX. Site features lots of beautiful artwork.
Matt Fraction - Writer of Immortal Iron Fist, Invincible Iron Man, etc.
Neil Gaiman - Writer of novels, such as Stardust and American Gods, and comics, such as Sandman, Books of Magic and Eternals.
Paul Cornell - Writer of Captain Britain, Marvel Zombies 3 and various other projects.
Peter David - It's Peter David! What more do you need to know?
Robert Kirkman - Writer of Invincible, The Walking Dead, Ant-Man, etc.
Sean McKeever - Former writer of Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, current writer of Teen Titans.
Skottie Young - Former artist on New X-Men. Features lots of sketches and artwork.
Steve Epting - Current Captain America artist. Features lots of sketches and textless artwork.
Warren Ellis - Insane writer of Nextwave, Transmetropolitan, Thunderbolts, etc. Not Safe For Work.

Comic Book Blogs/Sites I Read

4th Letter! - Some very fun and unique content can be found at 4th Letter!.
Awesomed By Comics - Just recently found out about this site, but I'm liking what I see. Could become a regular and get bumped up to the Blogs I Read section.
Between the Panels - Comic book related podcast site which I've be a guest for.
Chris's Invincible Super-Blog - Just some really funny commentary from Chris. Hilarious obsession with haunted vaginas, too.
Collected Editions - Features reviews of various trades as they come out.

Comic Book Legacy - Comic book review blog much in the same vein as the Weekly Crisis.
Comics212 - Blog that covers various interesting topics.
Comics Alliance - Only recently came across it, but quickly becoming a favourite of mine. Chris, from the ISB contributes here, too.
Comics Blips - Not a blog, but a social media site, much like Digg.com, that I've been frequenting lately. Aggregates all of the comic news into one spot, allows readers to vote stories up or down and submit anything they think is noteworthy or comics related.
Comics Should Be Good! - Comic Book Resources' blog and one of the blogs I regularly check out.
Comics Worth Reading - Johanna Draper Carlson's blog. Covers variety of topics.

Loli Loves Venom - Cute comic about a young girl (aka a loli) and Venom. Start from the beginning to understand some of the running jokes.
Major Spoilers - Reviews and news with their own unique spin.
mike sterling's progressive ruin - Comic shop owner's blog. Regularly updated with a variety of random topics.
New Age Comics with Andrenn - Blog from Weekly Crisis reader and regular commenter, Andrenn. Features news, reviews and just about anything comic related.
Panels of Awesome - Source for the latest news, reviews, thoughts and columns on anything and everything super-powered related.
Robot 6 -When the majority of the Blog@Newsarama team left after the Imaginova merger, they all migrated to Comic Book Resources and formed Robot 6. Definitely worth checking out.
Rokk's Comic Book Revolution - Features thorough, in-depth reviews of a handful of the weekly comic releases.
The Life of Reilly - An archive of the Life of Reilly, an in-depth column about the infamous Clone Saga from the point of view of one of the editors. Features interviews, behind the scenes coverage and goes into great detail about the failings of the Clone Saga. A must read for anyone that read the Clone Saga or believes all the misconceptions spread by people on message boards. There's actually a book coming out that will collect all of these articles and will feature more interviews and information.
The Other Murdock Pages - A Daredevil oriented blog that focuses on all things Daredevil.
The Source - DC Comics' new blog. Mostly PR related stuff so far with lots of nice watermark-free artwork, but I'm hoping they'll eventually add more opinion oriented posts.

All Other Comic Book Blogs / Sites I Peruse

Blog@Newsarama - Newsarama's blog. Used to read it regularly, but most of the staff left to form Robot 6, which is one of my favourite new blogs.
Comic List
Comic Related
Comics All Too Real
comics fairplay
Cosmic Book News - Comic book site who's primary focus is on cosmic based comics.

Pop! Goes the Icon
Project Fanboy - Reviews, interviews, publish comic book news, blogs, you name it.
Project Rooftop
Pulp Secret

Speed Force - I'm not a big Flash fan, but this site is an excellent resource for all things Flash. Nice look and layout, too.
The Comic Treadmill
The Maimed Man - Another Twitterer, this is themaimedman's comic book blog.
The Next Batman Bad Guy - Fun site to crawl through and read as the author goes through the list of Batman's rogues gallery and discusses who should or shouldn't be in the next Batman movie.

The Unofficial Bat-Cave of Comics

Comic Book Forums

Alvaro's Comic Boards - Not Firefox friendly, so I don't go here.
Comic Bloc Forums - Features several creator boards, such as Geoff Johns.
Comic Book Resoruces Forums - Probably has the most traffic / discussions. Quality may vary.
Jinxworld Forums - Features several creator boards, such as Brian Bendis and David Mack.
Millarworld Forums - Mark Millar's forums.
Newsarama Forums - Going through growing pains from site redesign. Not Firefox (or any non-IE browser) friendly.
Penny Arcade Graphic Violence Forums - Personal favourite stomping grounds. Inspiration for my Moments of the Week. Doesn't put up with typical "fanboy" tripe or posts. Lurk a bit before posting is my best advice. Friendly community that can be hard on some newcomers that treat it like a Newsarama or CBR board.

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