Thursday, May 15, 2008

Booster Gold #9 Review

Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund

The last few issues of Booster Gold left me a little disappointed. The humour and fun had been sucked out of the book in favour of a desolute future storyline and we were going in circles with assaults on Maxwell Lord with BG and Ted going alone and then doing it again with Green Arrow and Hawkman and it looked as if they were setting this issue up for yet another recruitment drive to plan an attack on Lord...again.

To say I was a little unimpressed with the repetitive nature the story was taking would be an understatement. However, this issue manages to redeem the recycled plotlines with the return of the old Justice League International and some actual ass kicking being delivered to Lord and the OMACs for a change.

I was really impressed, for probably the first time ever, with Mr Miracle's elaborate prison cell sequence. I always considered the character a joke and it was an unexpected show of respect from the villains to have him locked up the way he was. I was equally impressed with the female Dr Light, who was the one responsible for putting an end to Lord in an excellent display of power with her killing blow.

Overall, I'm still disappointed with the way this book has turned out ever since Supernova was revealed to be Booster's father, but the series is showing signs of life again with this build up to the conclusion to Johns and Katz' run on the book. Shame they didn't cut the filler issues with Green Arrow and Hawkman and the numerous failed attempts at stopping Lord.

Verdict - Check It

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