Written by Frank Tieri
Art by J. Calafiore and Jack Purcell
If you've been following the book, or even my reviews, of this title, you'll know that it's far from the best book on the market, but it somehow manages to be a fun read, nonetheless.
This issue picks up on the return of Batman,from last issue, as he puts an epic beatdown on the vigilante named, well, Vigilante. The poor guy didn't stand a chance and Bats just lays into him for an entire issue, as the fight is intersperced with Penquin related interludes, and ends kind of oddly, as Batman lets the murdering, gun totting Vigilante go free, simply telling him to stay out of Gotham instead of carting him off to Arkham. It was the only problem I had with the issue and seemed really out of character for the gun hating Bruce, especially after seeing Vigilante kill some people in previous issues.
As for the Penquin and mob related goodies, the knock off villains start having some infighting before Penquin has a meeting with Stitches. This leads to a rather forced badass act by this Stitches character as he pulls out files on all the random no name villains, claiming he'll kill all their families and friends as he lists off their addresses and other personal information. Instead of, you know, killing him as he sits there all alone, they all cower in fear and leave Penquin to fend for himself. Kind of odd, to say the least. Seems Stitches has also managed to put Tobias in his pocket and Penquin is left alone with the ultimatum to get out of Gotham and to make room for Intergang.
Verdict - Check It
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