Art by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
If you've been reading Booster all along, this is more of the same. With how fast Johns and Katz introduced and then killled off the resistance in this altered timeline and the general lack of emotion or slightest hint that it bothered Booster or Ted leaves me feeling like the last few issues were filler. Add in the fact it ends with Blue and Gold looking to track down the remnants of the old JLI and it makes me wonder why that wasn't the first step they took and issue or two ago. We're basically back to where we started when they first arrived in the future, no better or worse for the wear.
Now, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy this issue or the previous ones, but it just doesn't feel like any of this matters and you could skip the previous couple of issues and you wouldn't have missed a beat. Still a good book, but a far cry from the comedy goldmine the earlier issues were. I blame the severe lack of Skeets.
Verdict - Check It
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