Written by Gail Simone
Art by Bernard Chang
I'll admit, I was worried about a space based Wonder Woman story in my Post-Crisis Previews, but after reading this issue, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. On top of that, Chang's fill-in art was excellent and a worthy replacement for the Dodson's.
Before getting into the cosmic stuff, Wonder Woman pays Tom a visit in the hospital and begins an Amazon courting ritual with him by offering multiple gifts. I was a bit confused about the whole ordeal, but the dialogue between them was great, especially Tom's responses, such as his fear of Diana's mother and giant killer bees.
After the mushy mushy stuff was finished, a Khunds warship appears outside the hospital and beams down an assault force to fight Wonder Woman. She dispatches themw with ease and, in the aftermath, the Khunds reveal the attack was to pay tribute to the one that defeated them. They request her aid in fighting back against an alien force they have never seen aside from their ships as they burrow into their cities, leaving no survivors.
Diana, unable to deny them aid, goes with them to their homeworld, where she's to help them. On their planet, it's shown they created statues in tribute of the woman that defeated them and it pans out to show this hidious looking Wonder Woman statue in the image of the Khunds. Diana's inner monologue during this was hilarious and the entire scene was great.
After that, she meets up with a human named Etta that she knows, but I can't recall hearing about, as I just started reading with Gail's run. Not sure if she has powers or is just the cop / special agent she looks like.
The duo go off to 'negotiate' with the alien invaders as we see there's more to the story than the Khunds are giving during one of the meetings with the Khunds ruler. In the crater of a former city, Diana and Etta encounter a Green Lantern, of all people (aliens?), who seems a bit off his rocker based on his insane looking appearance. Completely unexpected turn of events, to say the least.
Verdict - Must Read
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