Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Walking Dead #47 Review

Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Charlie Adlard

I feel like a broken record when I talk about this book. I always feel like I have to stress this isn't a simple zombie book. It's a drama. It's about people in an extreme situation, which just happens to be a post-zombie apocalypse. They're more like a set piece than the focus of the story.

Michonne failed to take out the Governor after taking him hostage last issue. She was shot in her body armoured shoulder and ended up releasing him and escaping, but not before grazing his face with a bullet.

The Governor ordered another assault on the prison after that and it ended in a blood bath for both sides. Adrian showed up midfight atop the mini-van and evened the odds quite a bit for the prison faction.

In the end, the Governor rode the tank through the fence, allowing his men and the zombies access to the compound. It looks like everyone is just going to get in the vehicles and leave the prison for good, but as Rick is running to get his wife and children, we get another cliffhanger ending, as his wife, holding their newborn baby, is on her knees with a shotgun to her head from an off panel character. The only person I can see this being is Michonne upset over Tyrese's death and Rick not doing anything to save him.

My only worry about this book is that Kirkman might be planning a full reboot at #50. I'm almost sure we're down to single digit survivors for the prison and it could drop even lower by the end of this arc.

Verdict - Must Read

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