Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Walking Dead #42 Review

Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Charlie Adlard

Wow, this book was incredible this month and a real treat, only being three weeks since the last issue came out.

We pick up right where we left off last issue with Carol offering herself to the chained up zombie. She has been acting overly clingy and needy and seemed to be clinically depressed after being rejected by Rick and Lori. Her suicide by zombie seemed like the obvious conclusion.

Andrea really stepped up in this issue and is becoming one of the more dominant figures in the series. Typically, Rick has been the central focus and the first person to react to situations, doing what needed to be done. This issue has Andrea pulling the trigger, literally, the minute the zombie bites Carol. As Tyrese comforts the dying Carol, she quickly turns and Andrea is right there to put another bullet in her to end the threat. The rest of the issue focuses on her sharpshooting abilities and how dependant the group is on her in the case of an attack. I was also glad to see her and Tyrese make Dale a new peg leg to help him get around. With his amputated leg, I was afraid Dale might fall by the way side and be forgotten and eventually canon fodder for the zombies.

The issue ends with Rick checking out the perimeter fence and deciding whether they should leave the zombies build up outside to act as a deterrent from attack by outsiders. Just after they decide to leave them be for the time being, one of the best, "OH SH--!" moments in the series comes in the arrival of the Woodbury army. Literally, they arrive in a tank with several army trucks full of armed men.

The double page splash page is only topped by the next splash page with the Governor back in full combat armour riding atop the tank yelling, "Kill them all!". This series just keeps getting better and better and you should not pass it up thinking it is just some generic zombie comic. This is a book about people first and the incredible situation they have found themselves in and how they react to it. The zombies are only cursary to what takes place in this book.

Verdict - Must Read

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