Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Mark Bagley
I was pretty harsh with regards to last month's issue of Mighty Avengers. It was full of double page splashes of the Avengers fighting robots followed by Iron Man and Doom standing unmoving firing beams at each other for the rest of the issue.
Compared to that, this issue was a lot more enjoyable for me. I like the colouring technique they used for the old fashioned 'dot' look to the artwork. They use a simple colour pallet alone with this to simulate the retro look to go along with the time displaced group.
Dr Doom and Iron Man need to be in a buddy buddy comedy. I loved their conversations throughout the book. I think the best line was when Doom says, "A lot more people hate you than me." or something to that affect. I thought it was odd Doom didn't really know anything about the Sentry. I figured he'd know more about the most powerful being on the planet, especially after WWH. Still, his reactions to how insane Sentry is were pretty funny.
Finally, Bendis continues his ADD-style plot in this book as the issue ends with Doom mysteriously disappearing, Ms Marvel rushing in screaming for Sentry and Iron Man to get away and then Doom's castle being nuked. Actually, maybe this was Iron Man's satellite strike he was readying before they were blasted into the past. Would kind of make sense now that I think about. Still, Bendis seems to have a hate on for Tony. First Ultron-izing him and now nuking him. I assume he'll have similar treatment in Secret Invasion.
Verdict - Check It
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