Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 02/27/08

Tomorrow should be a crazy day for comics. I've got at least a dozen comics to pick up and probably a few I forgot to list or missed on the solicits.

Of note, All Star Batman is coming out and based on the previews, Miller is true to form. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing depends on the person, but it's so over the top, I can't help but laugh.

Brubaker has all of his titles coming out this week as well. I'll be getting Criminal 2 in TPB form, so, sadly, no reviews for that. I could barely stand the long gaps between issues and the story just felt like it stopped and started as I wait a month or two for the next issue. However, I won't be skipping Cap or DD.

Finally, Millar and JRJr's Kick-Ass is launching. Real world kid puts a costume on and goes out and fights crime. Looks like he gets his own ass kicked, but hard to say how it'll play out. Wish it wasn't Romita on the art though. His late 90's to current era art is just too blocky, over inked and looks terrible compared to his 80's and early 90's work.

Anyways, enough prattling on. Hit the jump for the previews and my comments. Feel free to let me know if there's any books you'd like me to possibly check out, as there's several books I'm looking to drop in the near future. Might be room to add something new to the ol'pull list.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank

The penultimate chapter of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes!" Crushed by the Justice League of 3008 A.D., Superman and the Legion uncover the horrific secret behind the conspiracy against the Man of Steel. But with the League of Legion Rejects a step ahead of Superman's every move, who can finally turn the tide of the battle?

Kirk Says: While this arc is good, I'm kind of just hanging on until the end of this story before I drop this book. Probably replace with a book further down the list.

Written by Frank Miller
Art by Jim Lee

The Dynamic Duo: yellow-bellied? Green Lantern tries to convince Batman and Robin to fall in line, but the pair takes him to school…in color theory!

Kirk Says: Have you seen the previews for this issue? Batman's painted head to toe in yellow paint inside one of his safe houses, which is also painted completely yellow, drinking a glass of lemonade. Miller's descent into madness is too funny for words and the Goddamn Batman is the funniest reimagining of the character to date. I can see how some can hate this book, but it's just so bad that it comes out the other side into the awesome range of the meter.

Written by John Rogers
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

Lost in space! The Reach brings its Scarab home — and Jaime Reyes is about to die far from his, while knowing that his family and allies will be next. His salvation lies deep within the Blue Beetle legacy; it'll take a hero's efforts to find it. Don't miss the shocking ending to this issue!

Kirk Says: Last issue was probably the best one to date and this is probably my most anticipated issue for this week. Yes, even more so than the new Captain America.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting and Butch Guice

Last issue was just the tip of the iceberg, as the Red Skull's master plan kicks into motion, and chaos begins to take hold of the US, with only one man to stand in its way, but is he up to the task? By Harvey and Eisner Award-Winning Best Writer Ed Brubaker with art by master storytellers Steve Epting and Butch Guice!

Kirk Says: Bucky's debut as Cap was quite good, but he didn't really do anything outside of bash a few henchmen. Nice warm up, but now it's time for the main course and I'm kind of interested in seeing how the general public reacts to a new Cap.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant: Keith Giffen
Script by Adam Beechen
Art by Al Barrionuevo and Art Thibert

With the recent devastation behind them, the new Challengers return to our universe to face their next challenge. Also this month: a returning hero, a surprising future for Pied Piper, and Karate Kid fulfills his destiny.

Kirk Says: Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see Red Robin in the merry little band of D-listers on the cover. Guess he got kicked out the band when he went to watch Karate Kid get killed by UnaOMAC or maybe they just couldn't be bothered drawing him on the cover, who knows?

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Michael Lark

Daredevil faces Mr. Fear in the shocking conclusion to “Without Fear" by award-winning creators Brubaker and Lark! How far will Matt Murdock go to save his wife? What is Milla's fate? And what is Mr. Fear's final secret? All the answers are here!

Kirk Says: It's been an up and down story arc with a lot of lulls scattered about, but the ending is looking to make up for all that. If anything, that cover is freaking awesome.

Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose

"Thy Kingdom Come" continues! The Justice Society has been tracking the "Heartbreak Slayer" — a mysterious serial killer targeting super-villains — for months. Now, as new members are welcomed into the fold and the Society expands, the JSA will come face-to-face with an evil that threatens the future they stand for.

Kirk Says: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really considering dropping this title. Nothing has happened since KC Superman came to our Earth. Nothing. It's like they're milking the nostalgia of Kingdom Come and these generic and repetitive, almost borderline recycled images from KC, Alex Ross covers. I don't want a bunch of random fights for no reason, but there's barely even any useful conversations or character interactions. Power Girl went off crying and hasn't come back to see Superman. Superman barely even appears in a story hyped up to center around him. Yes, I'm sure some like Judomaster or Amazing Man or yet another daughter to come from Black Lightning, but seriously, that's not what this has been hyped as, advertised as or even solicited as being about and it's becoming a huge disappointment to me every month.

Written by Mark Millar
John Romita Jr

The greatest super hero comic of all-time is finally here. WOLVERINE: ENEMY OF THE STATE's team of MARK MILLAR (CIVIL WAR) and JOHN ROMITA JR. (WORLD WAR HULK) reunite for the best new book of the 21st century. Have you ever wanted to be a super hero? Dreamed of donning a mask and just heading outside to some kick-ass? Well, this is the book for you--the comic that starts where other super hero books draw the line. KICK-ASS is realistic super heroes taken to the next level. Miss out and you're an idiot!

Kirk Says: I actually just read Millar's Wanted series, which is getting the movie treatment, and was impressed by it. Not the greatest work ever, but an entertaining departure from the standard fair. Up until then, I had not been remotely interested in this title. But I'm going to give it a try now. Hopefully, it'll be money well spent.

Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Francis Manapul and John Livesay

The fortunes and status of the famed Legionnaire Princess Projectra are forever gone. But in the wake of the most devastating moment of her young life, Projectra gains an unexpected ally. Plus, Timber Wolf's inner fury is unleashed — and another Legionnaire's life may hang in the balance!

Kirk Says: As I said in the Action Comics comment, I'm probably going to replace it with this title. When this was with Supergirl, I could care less about it. But with the "relaunch" with Jim Shooter a couple issues ago, this title is actually pretty good and I'm actually more interested in this then several other books usually in my pull list.

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

The new and deadly Bolt descends upon Titans Tower! When your soul is due to become forfeit in just a few short years, what do you do? If you're Kid Devil, you throw a super hero party! One Teen Titan will fight to stop it, and another consider a life of crime because of it!

Kirk Says: Ugh, McKeever on Teen Titans was supposed to be awesome. Why does it have terrible art, generic dialogue and everyone turning emo? The only thing keeping this afloat is Blue Beetle, who isn't even an official member on the team! This is on the chopping block. One or two more issues to right this sinking ship or it's gone.

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Olivier Coipel

Asgard stands once more. Thor has reclaimed his role as the God of Thunder, and key members of his Norse pantheon stand by his side. Now, the blockbuster first arc by fan-mega-favorites J. Michael Straczynski (SPIDER-MAN: ONE MORE DAY) and Olivier Coipel (HOUSE OF M) comes to an end. What will be the new status quo for the Odinson? Just be sure to get this one before it sells out like the rest!!

Kirk Says: Look at how long that solicit is. I can't even figure out what this issue is about other than it is the end of the first storyarc. I hope there's some follow up to She-Loki and Dr Doom from last issue because, with how slow this book comes out, I don't think I could stand waiting another year or something to find out how that story plays out.

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Ben Oliver

The Thunderbolts work for the American government...but the Radioactive Man and the Swordsman are foreign citizens. When a mission goes against the interests of their home countries, where will their loyalties lie -- with their team, their homeland...or themselves?

Kirk Says: Ellis is busy writing free, online web comics, so I guess we have to put up with fill-in one shots for Thunderbolts and his other various projects. Thankfully Gage is a decent writer, so this should at least be entertaining compared to most random fill-ins.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen

Wolverine is in the pages of ULTIMATES 3 so why can’t Magneto be here? One of Peter’s friends at Midtown High had a secret: they’re a mutant! But now the secret is out, and it’s all that Spider-Man can do to keep the entire school from totally freaking out! And just to knock the situation into even more of a panic, here comes the most malevolent mutant of all:
Magneto, Master of Magnetism!

Kirk Says: It's Ultimate Spider-Man. There's not much else to say. It'll be consistently great, but never OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED awesome either. I'm not complaining. Just filling space. Curious to see how the new Firestar and Amazing Friends stuff plays out. Spidey's on the verge of forming a super team at this point with Iceman, Liz, Torch and Kitty all kicking around.

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Salvador Espin

While an overworked Damage Control struggles to stay on the job, the Chrysler Building is on a rampage. That's right, the actual building. Meanwhile, the all-new Goliath joins Damage Control's Search and Rescue team, and Gene repairs a broken robot who may be the secret to survival in post-World War Hulk Manhattan.

Kirk Says: Was surprised this was actually great last month. Was expecting the worst with a months old tie-in to last summer's event.

Written by Mike Carey
Art by John Romita Jr

The X-Men’s past becomes the present as Xavier fights the greatest battle of his life. With his mind hanging in the balance, one false move can cause irreversible damage. Help arrives from an unlikely source, but in the world post-Messiah Complex, sometimes your enemies are the only people you can trust.

Kirk Says: This had better be the best book in X-Men history or I'll be supremely disappointed, more so than I already am, with Messiah Complex's "ending". And this had better not be a flashback book with nothing but rehashed material either.

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Harvey Talibao

Teddy Altman thought he was just an average teenager with super strength and the ability to shapeshift. Then he discovered he was the son of a Skrull Princess and the Kree's most famed hero - Captain Marvel. Writer Brian Reed (CAPTAIN MARVEL, NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI) and Harvey Tolibao (IRON MAN ANNUAL, STAR WARS) bring you the tale of the Hulkling's first meeting with the father he never knew.

Kirk Says: Young Avengers was amazing. Shame the writer is too busy with Lost or whatever to come write a new series. At least Marvel has finally decided to do something with one of the best group of new heroes in recent memory.

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Unknown said... 1

By trade-waiting Criminal you're missing out on all the cool extras.

Sazyski said... 2

legacy looks to be half flashback and half new stuff.

and I'm not happy about losing real adjectiveless. I want it back. I want bachalo back on it. and I want New back as well.

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