Friday, February 22, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 02/20/08 - Update (for real this time)

Surprisingly, despite having a lot of excellent books come out this week, there were very few 'MotW' worthy moments. Take Iron Fist. It was excellent, but I could only find one little panel from the entire issue that I thought was worth mentioning. If you guys can think of anything I might have missed, let me know and I'll go about getting a scan to add to the pile. Hit the jump for all the Comic Book Moments of the Week.

UPDATE - I can't believe I forgot all about Cable & Deadpool #50! I'll try and get some scans of the numerous moments from that book and upload them today.

UPDATE 2 - Alright, I added a couple of the Deadpool scans. I would have liked to have put more up, but most span a couple pages or are just small one liners that add up to one funny book, but don't really warrant a scan by themselves. Would have liked to have put the symbiote wearing Deadpool up, but you'll just have to buy the book to see it I guess. =p


"At least I didn't make a deal with Mephisto."

Spider-Man & Deadpool should have been the name of this series from the start. The two motormouths play off each other quite well and with Spidey's name on it, it probably would've sold more. Oh well, at least this parting shot making fun of OMD will tide me over until Way destroys the character.

"Ms Marvel and Mr Wonderful. My fellow Avengers!"

Wade should be at least a reserve member by now. The Mr Wonderful name caught me off guard. I should have expected something like that, but I can't get it out of my head now and randomly chuckle every time I think about it. I vote Marvel officially change his name to that.

"I think I saw one just like it on a porno site."

Reed's response is awesome. It's delivered so serious and you know he doesn't think Wade is joking. The entire issue is littered with random little jokes like this like when DP's naming off heroes and gets to Ares, he names "Guy I Don't Know" or some variation. Wish I could have gotten a few more, but hopefully these three make up for forgetting to include them in the first place.


"The new flavour of Kryptonite? Cocaine."

I hope this isn't an attempt to discourage the use of drugs because this would be awesome. I love how Batman is the only kidified Leaguer that stays in character. Lego Red Tornado is awesome, as well.


"Don't shoot until you see the white of their thighs!"

I didn't really find anything I could use for a moment of the week in Iron Fist this month. The issue rocked, but there wasn't anything that caught my eye outside of this hilarious horseback assault. We need more Iron Fist Cowboy.


"Ma boi!"

Black Widow is channelling her inner Cactuar in this month's Hercules, which was surprisingly good. However, I don't know if they're blaming this image on bad art or Hercules drug induced rampage.

"NO! Blows from an unseen assailant have felled Wonder Man!"

Oh Ares, is there anything you won't do? This was my favourite scene this week. I couldn't stop laughing at it for some reason.


"Spider-Man's an asshole."

Dead Captain America jokes? Really? I thought Peter worshipped Captain America? This doesn't seem like something anyone would joke about with someone they could barely look in the eye because they felt they weren't worthy to be in his presence. Small thing to bitch about, but still, stuck out like a sore thumb to me and I was only flipping through it at the shop (scan from scans daily).


"Solaris? Is that you?"

Look familiar to anyone else? With Morrison writing Final Crisis, it looks like Brother Eye is building up to being the precursor to Solaris, from DC One Million, another Morrison penned event. He supposedly sent a nano-virus back in time to the 20th century, causing himself to be built then (yes it was a time paradox), which could easily be tied back into OMAC and Eye's origin. Maybe sent it to Max Lord, who used it to gain control of Eye from Batman in the first place. And does Desaad have the Hourman virus at the end here? Not sure if it's actually going to draw on a bunch of Morrison's work on One Million, but a lot of coincidences lining up with it.

I also would have accepted Lavos, of Chrono Trigger fame, for my question on if it looked familiar to anyone else.


The Bruce Timm drawn origin for Harley this week was one of the best. Why does an origin get to be a moment? Well, it's the little things, like Joker's cell with the X's through Batgirl and Robin on the wall that do it for me.


"Epic is one way to describe it."

I couldn't possibly scan every page of the Mandarin vs Iron Man fight, so I settled on this wallpaper worthy piece.

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Anonymous said... 1

Superman really is hallucinating. Everyone knows smells can't travel through the vacumn of space.

Anonymous said... 2

no iron man and mandarin holding hands and skipping through the forest en route to a picnic? that's what Mighty Avengers was about this week right?

Anonymous said... 3

there is alot of similarities between one million and the curent happenings in dc. The OMACS, cloning of superboy, superman prime, and many more. If you havent read one million in a while i suggest you do. I am rereading it right now.

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