Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All-Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder #9 Review

Written by Frank Miller
Art by Jim Lee

One word. Over the top. Yes, much like the book itself, even one word about this book makes no sense and I love it. By now, you've made your decision if Miller is insane and destroying the Batman franchise or are absolutely loving how ridiculous this book is each and every month.

Again, if you've seen the previews for this title, you already know the bulk of it is dealing with Batman, painted head to toe in yellow paint, meeting with Green Lantern, in a hideout painted completely yellow. The best sequence in this is when Batman is drinking some, yellow obviously, lemonade and offering Hal some. As Hal gets frustrated with him, he punches him and the glass goes flying. Instead of maybe helping Batman, Robin is busy catching the glass and refilling it before Batman can get back up. It doesn't get any better than that.

While this sequence is full of lol's worthy moments, the kicker has to be Batman's description of Wonder Woman's heritage. Apparently, she's the Wicked Witch of Lesbo's Island. I couldn't make that up if I tried.

It's not all fun and games though, as Hal picks a fight with Robin, loses his ring and promptly gets a nerve strike requiring Batman to give him the ol' pen tube in the throat trick. This lead to a rather serious, for ASB&RtBW, ending to the book with the duo hugging and grieving in the cemetary over both their parents deaths.

Verdict - Must Read. I'd buy this book for those first dozen pages and would be more than satisfied. Would liked to have seen the Joker or Catwoman at least make another cameo, but it was a goddamn fine goddamn All-Star Batman issue, so no real complaints from me.

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