Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Catwoman #76 Review

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez

I don't know how Pfeifer is getting away with "tying in but not really tying in" to Salvation Run, but the book is definitely benefitting from the decision. Selina got thrown back to a Gotham that featured a gun totting Batman at the end last issue and we spend this issue with a focus on the dimension hopping goodness. Simply put, no Salvation Run = back to being one of DC's best books and I only hope Pfeifer can avoid SR until it runs its course and we can get back to regular Catwoman on Earth stories. Tempted to give it a must read, but there's still something not right about the book compared to a few months ago and it's pretty much due to the cosmic nature of the stories. Still, I think most will enjoy the book.

Verdict - Check It

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