Written by Reilly Brown & Fabian Nicieza
Art by Reilly Brown
It's hard to believe this book made it to #50. I doubt many thought it would last 20. I only recently started reading it (around the time Cable joined Carey's X-Men) and it's been one fun comic. I can see why many would ignore it, as, while you'll enjoy every issue, there's nothing overly compelling that would keep you coming back for more and it has almost no significance in relation to the Marvel Universe or other storylines. It's just far easier to pick up the various Inititive books or random X-book #32 or one of Wolverine's 8 appearance in other books. The worst thing about this is that they are relaunching with a new Deadpool book and it's being written by Way. The mind, it boggles.
Nerd rage aside over cancellations and Way-nification, this issue was hilarious and a must read for everyone. Venomsaurs are the best new villain in years and the best use of Venom outside of eating people's arms. I loved the Deadpool / Spider-Man conversation about the event that shall not be named (okay, it's One More Day, but never outright stated). I can't believe they let that get published. It's like Diet Pepsi bashing regular Pepsi in its commercials or something. They should have gave Fabian a Spider-Man & Deadpool book for the relaunch. The two biggest mouths in comics would be a perfect match. Add Taskmaster for flavouring as well.
Fun story, lots of laughs and great send off for Deadpool (and Cable) in this issue with some messages from the creative team and everything. Buying this won't really bring the book back, but you'll thank me for it later.
Verdict - Must Read
A floating city promises hope for humans and mutants alike! But if Cable plans to be Earth's Savior, will Deadpool accept the role of betrayer?
braided sleeving
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