Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Salvation Run #1 Review

Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Sean Chen and Walden Wong

Alright, I know I've been quite kind in regards to Countdown of late, but enough is enough with the tie-ins. Yes, I know I don't have to buy every single book the comes out, but, damn it, I want to know what happens and I hate feeling in the dark when some random event crosses over into another book and I have no clue what they're talking about. So, yes, while the majority of the Countdown tie-ins have been handled quite well, there comes a breaking point and I believe Salvation Run is it.

Let's ingore the absurdity of seeking out Planet Hulk a random habital planet and confiscating allowing all the villains to keep their weapons and costumes and focus on the actual issue here with the disappearance of all the major villains in the DCU. Oh wait, nothing happens and it's much more entertaining to focus on the nonsensical parts of this first issue. However, to be thorough, DC has basically shunted all of their best villains into a poorly executed tie-in to Countdown and robbed actual good series the use of said villains for the next half a year at the least. Most of the villains spend this issue acclimatizing themselves to their new surroundings and boring the reader with the snails pace of this first issue.

Verdict - Avoid It. Unless you absolutely must have every single one of the Flash's Rogues appearances, as they are the only relatively interesting characters in this issue, don't even bother with this book.

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