Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Catwoman #73 Review

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez

Catwoman continues to be one of the best titles coming out of DC. If you aren't reading this, shame on you. Aside from the Amazon Attacks tie-ins, which weren't as bad as most, this series has been top notch for as long as I can remember. The only real complaint I have is with the art and it's only a minor gripe, as it's serviceable, but not great.

As for the contents of this issue, it picks up after last issue's cliffhanger, where Catwoman's apartment was gutted and blown up, nearly killing Selina. Selina quickly pulls herself together and seeks to find out who's doing this to her. She immediately finds out that whoever it is, is thorough, as even her secret stashes and extra costumes have been annexed.

By the end of the issue, Selina is confronted by her mystery antagonist and I have no idea who it is, but he knows everything about Selina, including how she recently gave up Helena. Regardless, I can't wait for next issue to find out. For some reason, though, he reminds me of an old 90's Balent era Catwoman villain, but with the new threads, it's hard to tell, to be honest.

Verdict - Must Read

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