Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez and Bit
I can see the Batman and the Outsiders is far from the greatest book ever written, but I'm still enjoying it quite a bit. I'd consider it an almost guilty pleasure and I think I'm a bit biased in favour of it compared to harsher reviews of similar books.
For instance, we have Ollie running around in the jungle here with Batman with no real explanation and no indication of what's going on in his own title. He's also got the major beef with Batgirl all of a sudden when he knows Batman has forgiven her enough to work with her again. I assume Batman should have told him she was drugged or mind controlled or Dan Didio'd by Deathstroke, but he still has the prerequisite super hero fight. The only thing that really bothered me this issue was Dixon making Batman ask question after question, as if he didn't know anything about what Langstrom was talking about in the opening sequences. Just didn't seem like something Batman would do to me.
Even with in congruities such as that, I still liked the book and this issue was another fun read. Not sure how the OMAC here ties in with the one in Countdown or if it ignores that altogether, but I'm a bit curious to see where that goes.
Verdict - Check It
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