Written by Joss Whedon
Art by Michael Ryan
Only one more issue and this title might just be able to get back to a semblence of its former glory. Whedon has really tanked what was once one of Marvel's best books. The insanely long delay didn't help either, but it can't be blamed for the dreck that's being passed off as a story.
Despite that rather imposing cover, Gert's parents appear in maybe one panel this issue. Seems they're building a bomb or something to kill all the heroes, supers, moon people or whatever we're calling them in this time period. This helped along by a battle royal that comes out of nowhere and a couple of random killings (not of anyone we should care about though).
But what about Chase and his time travelling? Well, we get an off hand comment from Xavin that he left and that's about it. I'm guessing he shows up at the last second with an alternate timeline Gert or that future winged monstrosity to end this contrived nonsense.
It might sound like I'm beating around the bush and not telling you much about what actually happened, but nothing happens. Gert's parents send some of this time period's super powered individuals to fight the Runaways and their new friends. It takes 20 pages or so to get to that fight and aside from one or two pages, nothing important happens.
Verdict - Avoid It. Even without the huge delay, this would still be dreadful by any standard. Bring on Terry Moore please. Maybe he can save this book.
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