Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Batman and the Outsiders #5 Review

Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez and Bit

Batman and the Outsiders is your standard middle of the pack book. It's neither great nor horrible. Just your standard super hero fare. Because of this, it's also hard to recommend it to anyone, as for every person that will like it there are just as many that won't. This issue doesn't do much to change that opinion and sticks to the modis operandi of the first four issues with a lot of Outsider infiltration turned action scenes and Batman being Batman. There's no real character development for any of the varied cast, but it doesn't stop the book from being a fun read for me. If you enjoy any of the characters, you'll probably enjoy this book.

This issue sees Batman escape being sniped with the aid of the Dibney's. Yes, the Ghost Detectives take control of the two sharpshooters to save the unaware Batman. Meanwhile, the Outsiders fight a generic nobody villain that the Suicide Squad must have missed in their little purge for Salvation Run. They don't do so well and Geo-Force was called in to save their behind. I'm still a bit in the dark as to what this storyline is even about, what with the OMACs coming out of the woodworks, random rocket launches and the multitude of fights. The book isn't really built on plot, so I'm just enjoying it for the sort of summer action flick feel to the book.

Verdict - Check It

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