Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Action Comics #862 Review

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank

Alright, now that this story has finally hit the battle sequence, I have to ask, why didn't they Legion just clean house long ago? There's like 5 bad guys, all of which are losers, with the exception of Earth Man, who is only strong now because of the multiple Legion members that they've captured. One half assed assault would be more than enough to stop this nonsense for good and wouldn't have required Superman.

As for this issue, there's some nice dialogue in the opening, especially the random comments from Brainiac, but, otherwise, this introduces even more Legion rejects to help attack the Justice League. They distract everyone, all 4 of them, and Superman and Brainiac's team goes about freeing the other Legion members and trying shut down Solar Boy, who is generating the red shifted Sun. Earth Man sneaks up on them with shapeshifting powers and a fight ensues where he fights the depowered Superman. I'm not sure how Superman lasts more than 2 seconds, let alone takes him flying out of the building into space. I'd imagine the glass would be re-enforced and impossible for him to bust through, even with a flight ring.

Next issue? Ya, Brainiac shuts down Solar Boy and Superman saves the day. Fairly generic. If there's any bumps, it'll probably have Superman get beaten and the entire freed Legion beats down Earth Man. Not much payoff coming from this story, but I'll stick it out for one more issue.

Verdict - Check It

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