Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Captain America #35 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting and Butch Guice

I'm a bit disappointed with this issue. It felt like someone put the training wheels on this story and we're being guided by the hand. There's a few baby steps taken in plot progression and we get to see more Captain America beating up henchmen to show off the shiny new costume.

Now, disappointment for a Cap issue doesn't mean it was terrible. I still enjoyed it and recommend it in a heart beat, but there's no real wow factor here or anything that I would consider essential. Maybe knowing the fact Faustus has manipulated some officials to have Kronas (well, a dummy corporation subsidiary) security forces protecting the White House instead of SHIELD, who opened fire on the crowd last issue. Nothing else happens, plot wise. A riot, caused by Faustus' drugged water bottles, breaks out in front of the White House and Bucky breaks it up.

I imagine this will all matter next issue or a couple issues time when these security forces probably execute a coup and the Red Skull takes over, but for this single issue? It's filler for the most part. Highly enjoyable filler, but filler none the less.

Verdict - Must Read

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