Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Action Comics #863 Review

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank

This marks the final chapter for the Legion storyline and the last time I'll be picking this title up for a while. It has nothing to do with this issue, in particular, but I hopped on for Frank's art and this hyped Legion storyline and wasn't planning to stick along forever from the get go.

This issue, as I said, is the final chapter to this storyline and features the entire Legion versus Earth-Man. It started out with him trying to kill the powerless Superman, but Brainiac manages to free Sun Boy in time and our sun returns to it's yellow status. I won't bother trying to figure out how the sunlight reached Earth instantly to give Superman his powers back before he smeared on the pavement, as this is comic book science, but this was about as predictable a turn out as could be imagined.

From there, all the Legion members take turns trying to stop Earth-Man, who has all of their powers and then some at his disposal. It was a basic, "hey, we have powers, look at us!", scene where they end up all failing to stop him. This leads to Superman punching him once to knock him out and ending the threat. Way to kill any credibility Earth-Man or the Legion has by making them all look like fools, Kal. Felt like a rushed ending to a very Silver Age-esque story.

Verdict - Check It

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