Written by Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Humberto Ramos
After 11 or so chapters of doing absolutely nothing, Predator X finally gets in on the baby action. Seems Pred has put on a little weight as he's enormous now. Even after reading this issue, I'm not sure what purpose Pred X has in this crossover. Is it just for the mindless killings? There's no real ryhme or reason for his inclusion in this as not even the Purifiers that unleashed him on the New X-Men have mentioned it or wondered about is progress. It looks like it's just in the story to have the prerequisite deaths.
Despite my misgivings with Predator X, the rest of this issue was rock solid outside the, again, pointless deaths. This baby is probably going to resurrect everybody because Marvel is killing off everybody, specifically the villains, in this crossover.
Seeing as this is a New X-Men book, I guess I'll start with them. Santo has a couple great lines. Not up to his normal comical gold, but good nonetheless. Surge seems to be trying her best to make up for nearly getting everyone killed earlier in this storyline and Pixie is Pixie and her solution to not having Laura around to kill the Predator, as she was the one that killed the previous versions, is both convenient and fits with what the character would probably do.
Over on Muir Island, it seems like every mutant that matters is on this island now. Don't agree with the senseless Mr Sinister death and I don't think it will stick, making it even more pointless. Not sure where these allegiances start and end with Gambit, Mystique, Sinister, etc. I thought Sinister coerced her into joining, but it seems like Destiny told Mystique long ago that she would have to do all this and the messiah baby would heal Rogue. Why Mystique deigned to shoot her in the chest in the first place is a mystery to me if she wanted to heal her. Seemed counter intuitive to healing, but I'm not a doctor.
I liked the Wolverine and Laura scene where Logan gets shot in the head while barking out orders and Laura jumps in to save him from Random Marauder #14. Not to be a broken record, but I dislike how nearly all the Marauders are killed here, specifically Lady Mastermind (technically last chapter), who was excellent in Carey's X-Men run. I'd love to know why Sunfire is so weak here and where Exodus and his army of Acolytes ran off to. He's mentioned in the book in passing, but I don't recall seeing him. Shame the rather covert X-Force squad, which is all claws and melee fighters, can take down the entire Marauder team of telepaths, energy drainers, illusionists, telekinetics, etc, all of which should be the perfect counter to this 5 man team. When the rest of the X-Men showed up, it was pretty much over and pointless.
Bishop as the 'big bad' of this crossover seems wrong and came out of nowhere. He's incredibly weak against just about everyone present. Xavier can shut him down instantly, but isn't doing that for some reason. Emma could as well. The entire X-Force squad can kill him no problem, as he can't absorb the damage they do. Same with Gambit or Mystique. I'd wager Cable could take him down with the giant bullet shooting gun he has since Bishop can't absorb bullets, only energy. Hell, Xavier is right next to Cable and if he doesn't immediately shut Bishop's mind down next issue, then there's something wrong here.
Finally, who is the Cyclops in this issue and what has Marvel done with the real one? Telling Wolverine to get in there and kill anyone in his way? Seriously? Did the Skrulls start with the mutants first or what?
Verdict - Must Read. I hated all the random deaths, but I'll have to accept them. Despite that, this is still an excellent read and really sets the stage for the final chapter, bringing all the random subplots (except Jamie for some reason) together for one final, epic battle. Can't wait for the next one.
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