Wednesday, October 31, 2007

X-Men: Messiah Complex #1 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Marc Silvestri

I'm sure everyone knows the deal about this issue already. The start to the first big X-event in years - Messiah Complex. It's been hyped for months now and it's finally here, but is it any good? Read on.

Over the past few months, Mr Sinister and his Marauders have systematically killed or destroyed anything that could have knowledge of the future, from time displaced people like Cable to the Destiny Diaries. This has all been building up to this issue's birth of the first new mutant in years - an event the X-Men had no knowledge of until it was too late.

Sounds like a great premise, doesn't it? However, as far as this issue is concerned, nothing happens. Notta. Zilch. Nothing. All the previews and pre-event hype was basically the cliff notes version of this issue. X-Men go to destroyed town, find out the Marauders and Purifiers, villains from the New X-Men, were both there and that one of them took the child. It's never revealed if the new mutant's birth caused the explosion or if the Marauders or Purifiers did it all. We see a couple panels of the Purifiers burning some humans and that's about it.

For how much hype and build up this event had, I expected a lot more than this for a first issue. It reminds me of the X-Men Endangered Species Special from several months ago. Remember that 48 page book that focused almost entirely on the death of an unnamed, never before seen mutant boy that was basically the equivalent of the X-Men attending a funeral and boo-hooing over the death of someone they don't know. That's what this issue is, except it's the X-Men picking up a few survivors over the course of the entire issue.

It might sound like this issue is completely terrible based on this review, but it's just a case of over hyping an event and not delivering anything. I know it's early, but if this is all they have to offer out of the gate after all these months, I'm not going to go easy on the review. And Silvestri's art is a cheap Jim Lee knock off that features pretty much every character posing instead of being a part of the scene. It's like he pasted various pin-ups into each scene. Some might like it, but he's the equivalent of a Michael Turner to me, which is not a good thing.

Verdict - Avoid It. You won't miss this book and I'm sure they'll rehash the non-events that happened in this issue over the course of the first 2 or 3 parts to this event. Save yourself some money and grab something actually worth while from this week's comics.

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