Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New X-Men #42 Review

Written by Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Skottie Young

After the lackluster Search for Magik arc, New X-Men blasts back with an incredible opening to the next two part storyline, Children of X-Men, which appears to be a more low-key adventure, dealing with the search for the youngest mutant on Earth or, at least, at the Xavier Institute. It also sees the return of the older X-Men to the title in full force, having realized they have neglected the younger mutants, having left them to fend for themselves against Ryker and Belasco and so on, when they may just be the last generation of X-Men ever.

This issue shifted focus between all of the large cast of young mutants, with scene changes handled quite nicely, having either Mercury come in asking for birth dates or one of the older X-Men looking for a teacher/student session. I was quite pleased to see further exploration into the changes in Victor, Pixie and Santo from the last arc. It was especially funny seeing Santo and Laura X trying to get Victor to agree to let them cut off his other arm in hopes it would grow back bigger and cooler looking like his other one did in the last arc. I was, however, disappointed they quickly changed Santo back into his regular rock form. The lava / magic rock form he came back with from the last arc was fairly impressive and seemed to have some major potential. To switch back to his regular form, while logical in execution, just seemed like a waste of the huge impact his form had last arc and, in my opinion, was quite cool looking and his best redesign yet. Pixie's personality is quite infectious and she seems quite happy to be on the new team until Logan hauls her in for training in the Danger Room. Another funny moment ensues with Logan screaming, "$#%^ing unicorns!", while chasing the magical based Pixie through the kitchen. What made the scene was the other mutants sitting at the table eating completely oblivious as they run by, as if it's a regular occurrence at the mansion. Great little scene. Look for it and more in this week's Moments of the Week.

Laura X had a lot of excellent scenes this week as well. The previously mentioned Santo and Victor scene was one of them. Later, when Surge is questioning what happened to David during the Belasco fight, everyone is giving her half truths and beating around the bush. When she asks Laura, she clinically describes, in full detail, how Belasco tore open David's chest and pulled out his heart. Despite how terrible it sounds, it was quite funny when juxtaposed against the other panels of everyone skirting the subject with her. Finally, at the end of the issue, Surge, probably in an attempt to get back at David for taking life threatening chances when he has no powers, kisses Hellion in front of everyone. Laura has had some great character development with Hellion and he even saved her life once, at great risk to himself. It was nice to see how jealous Laura gets here as she pops her claws and looks livid as Surge kisses Hellion.

The entire issue is filled with great moments like these and more. Great issue and I was almost tempted to make it my Book of the Week if Captain America had not been so good. Definitely give this issue a try if you are interested in great character driven books. One of the best and most consistent X-books on the market in my opinion.

Verdict - Must Read

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