Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New X-Men #43 Review

Written by Christopher Yost and Craig Kyle
Art by Skott Young

This was another excellent issue of New X-Men. This is easily my favourite X-book being published. Yes, even better than X-Factor.

Yost and Kyle do an incredible job giving each of the many young mutants unique and individual personalities and they manage to juggle the large cast of characters perfectly, giving each character enough time to shine in their own way.

That said, this issue featured the fallout of Surge kissing Hellion last issue. She did it to try and push Prodigy, who lost his mutant powers due to M-Day, away from the team. She loves him and doesn't want to see him get hurt now that he's powerless. The opening scenes with Cyclops where the two talk about loved ones and the death of Jean Grey is perfect and it's honestly one of the few times I've actually seen Scott talk about her since she died, which was a nice touch.

Rockslide, or Santo, as I hate his codename, manages to steal every scene he is in as usual. Look for several panels of him in this week's Moments of the Week. In fact, I'm almost tempted to scan the whole book, as it's littered with great moments and easily the best book I read this week. Even X-23, or Laura, as I hate her codename too, has a great scene this week. It's sadder than the more comical Santo ones, but it deals with the former killing machine's conflicting emotions as she deals with jealousy over Surge kissing Hellion, who Laura has been developing feelings for. To be honest, I could easily talk about every single scene in this month's issue, whether it's Prodigy getting his powers back and dealing with Surge or the conclusion to the dark and brooding phase of Elixir, which had a hilarious solution, or everything in between.

On top of dealing with the young mutants, Kyle and Yost manage to give us some great scenes with the Astonishing X-Men team. The duo has a great grasp of what makes all the X-Men tick and I'd honestly like to see them take over for Brubaker or Carey to see what they can do with the main X-Men, as long as it doesn't take them off New X-Men.

Verdict - Must Read. Seriously, this is the best book this week, hands down. I don't know if I have to beat you over the head to get you pick this book up or what, but you've seriously got to try this book out. Grab this and previous issue for an entertaining, and hilarious, read featuring some of the best written characters on the market.

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