Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Immortal Iron Fist #11 Review

Written by Matt Fraction & Ed Brubaker
Art by David Aja & Roy Allan Martinez

Whirling Devil Dervish! Foothammer Thunder Strike! Steel Phoenix Blow First Execution! Every single one of these attacks' names are full of win and awesome and I couldn't make these up if I tried.

This month's issue is a return to greatness after last month's slight dip in quality, in relation to previous issues of Immortal Iron Fist, which I hold at a higher standard than the other rabble. While Danny and the other Heroes 4 Hire are featured in this book helping Danny return to K'un Lun, the bulk of the issue is devoted to Davos, the Steel Serpent. Wait, scratch that. The Steel Phoenix!

As the new Steel Phoenix, Davos fights off against Tiger's Beautiful Daughter. It's a brutal and much more satisfying match than the off panel Dog Brother #1 and Bride of Nine Spiders fight. I loved everything about this fight. The pre-fight banter, Daughter's slicing off of Davos' hand and the retaliation by Davos are all spectacular. The ending attack by Davos is every bit as raw and powerful as his killing of Orson in issue six.

To counter balance all the badass kung-fu action, we get the continuation of Davos' origin, which shows him trying to usurp Shou-Lao's power after losing in his succession bout with Randall, as seen last issue. He attempts to fight the dragon himself, but loses horribly before the dragon deems him unworthy and leaves him to his shame.

Finally, there's more allusion to an inner power struggle or possible coup between August Personage in Jade and Thunderer, picking up on the strange conversations in last issue. The worst thing about this issue? I have to wait at least another month for the follow up.

Verdict - Must Read. Easily the best book this week. There's not much else to say. If you aren't reading this, you must have no money because this should be the first book on your list every time it comes out.

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