Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Immortal Iron Fist Annual #1 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction
Art by Dan Brereton & Howard Chaykin

I was excited to have two issues of Iron Fist this week, but this issue shows how big a part Aja is to the main series as the art in this issue pales in comparison. It's actually some of the worst art I've seen and Countdown-level art which really hurts the overall presentation of the book and is the main reason I hated annuals in the past.

Basic story continues from this week's Iron Fist, so obviously read issue 9 of this series before this one or you'll be confused at the order of events. We get a nice flashback at the life of Orson Randall here, but, aside from it being about a former Iron Fist user, I see no reason why this was so vital that Danny had to lose the first round and come all the way to France to hear the tale. Then, there's the random Hydra attack stuck in the issue for no reason that I can think of except just to remind us that Hydra was working for Davos earlier in the series or that Orson probably made enemies when he was younger. I'm not really sure why they're here.

While a fun look back at the life of Orson Randall, it offered no major developments and does not seem to have any impact on current events or the tournament currently going on in the regular series. Iron Fist fans will enjoy this issue, but everyone else should just stick with the main book. This barely compares to the excellent issue #7 flashback story and I'm kind of let down by what I got here. I guess too much of a good thing is an apt saying for two Iron Fist issues this week.

Verdict - Check It

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