Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Tony Bedard
Art by Carlos Magno
This wasn't a bad issue of Countdown to Final Crisis. There were no groan inducing scenes and the story flowed as well as could be expected for a Countdown issue. The biggest flaw comes in the fact that I just didn't care about anything that happened here.
The Rogue(s) story has faultered with the death of Trickster. A good chunk of the book is dedicated to showing him having an imaginary conversation with Trickster as he drags him around the desert. Now, when the dead corpse's replies started showing up on the page, I began to think maybe someone is manipulating or trying to push Piper in a certain direction, but it might just be a figment of his imagination.
The Holly and Harley story received the majority of the remaining pages in the issue. Not that anyone didn't suspect, but the 'mysterious' person in the cave was the only one on Paradise Island that hasn't been seen yet, Hypolita, which really makes me wonder where all this nonsense fits. In Wonder Woman, she's alone on the island. In Countdown, Granny Goodness' Amazons control the island and she's living in a cave. All that comes from this encounter is that Holly and Harley are going to be spies for Hypolita in the Amazon camp.
Finally, Jimmy opens a Boom Tube and Forager sees the Source in his eyes and then falls madly in love with him after previously trying to kill him. At this point, I'm just praying for the "Jimmy Must Die!" part of Countdown to come true.
Verdict - Check It. Pretty average outing. No major complaints, but nothing noteworthy either.
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