Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #22 Review

Written by Daniel & Charles Knauf
Art by Roberto De La Torre

Captain America and Iron Man are probably the only books that depict the real Tony Stark in the Marvel Universe and I enjoy that part of it. He's a man put in a tough situation and forced to make tough choices. He's not the nazi-Tony that JMS and other writers depict him as and I'm happy to see at least some people know this.

This issue follows up the murder of Gadget from last issue by Graviton. I enjoyed this little murder mystery and this issue concludes it in a very nice way while still leaving some questions and progressing the Mandarin plot. I also enjoyed the comments by Maria Hill and Dugan concerning Tony's wearing the Iron Man armour more often, to the point of being in it all the time, regardless of whether he needs it or not. Shows the stress of the job and how Tony is retreating into the armour to probably get away from it all.

This is an excellent title that I think most people will enjoy. It is not the best, but definitely worth a look if you have a little extra cash to try out other titles. Consistently good and very few 'bad' issues makes this a great performer. I expect big things with the return of the Mandarin coming up and that arc could push Iron Man up into a 'Must Buy' title for me. Grab last month's issue and give this book a try, it's definitely worth a look.

Verdict - Check It

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