Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Green Lantern Corps #18 Review

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art and Cover by Pat Gleason and Prentis Rollins

Well, this was unexpected. With only two issues left to the Sinestro Corps War, I expected this issue to be an all out battle with Superman Prime and Sodam Yat that would finish off their part of this epic and remove the incredibly powerful Prime from playing field so we could see the final Sinestro VS Hal battle. What I got was half an issue of Sodam Yat's "origin", which consisted of showing his motivation and what the xenophobic Daxamite's homeworld is really like, and the other half consisting of the fight depicted on the cover.

The actual fight was excellent, though. I loved the heat vision battle that evaporated the entire lake. It was a nice touch. However, I'm not sure I agree with the use of the Daxamite's weakness to lead. They show how the ring reacts to his lead poisoning, but, considering he's Ion now, I just figured nothing as mundane as that would even play a part in this battle. The biggest surprise, however, is that Sodam loses the battle this issue. The last page has Prime holding his beaten and limp body as Guy and John come to his rescue.

However, that fight turned out a lot different than what I expected, but I have a couple minor complaints. Apparently, Sodam and Prime battled all day long and all across the planet with no interferance or help from any other heroes. I don't mind the solo battle, but, based on the description, they fought for hours and no one came to help him until the very end of the issue? Superman, Supergirl and Power Girl didn't seem to be injured at the end of the Prime special. They couldn't spare a second to help him out? It's a small complaint, and I'll admit I'm nitpicking, but it just struck me as odd, to be honest.

Verdict - Must Read. The review might read a little negative, but this is really another great addition to the Sinestro Corps War and the only thing I'm worried about is the final part in next month's Green Lantern #25. That issue already looks like it will be jam packed trying to wrap up all the loose ends and, with Prime still undefeated or seriously injured at the end of this issue, it looks like they've left another huge plot point to be wrapped up in GL #25. I'm just worried it's going to be a rushed ending that spoils an otherwise perfect story.

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