Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Green Lantern #24 Review

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert

The Sinestro Corps War has finally reached Earth and what does Johns give us this issue? Not the awesome scene pictured on the cover, that's for sure.

Just as this event was firing on all cylinders, Johns decides to take a detour and deal with freeing Kyle from the Parallax entity through a rather cliched and dull inner struggle "You Can Do It!" manner. With last issue revealing the giant sea of yellow and Superman Prime finally joining up with the Corps as they invaded Earth, I was sure this would be an action packed war of attrition as the Sinestro Corps destroyed New York and took down all of Earth's heroes. Being slapped with this issue just felt like a huge let down and was a real disappointment for me. Even the arrival of the Anti-Monitor on Earth is done in a small little corner panel with little to no fanfare. I expected this huge battle where all the heroes stop and realize how screwed they are as the Anti-Monitor decended from his ship.

On top of this, the art was less than stellar. Reis has done much better work than what is featured here, although it might just be the colourist's fault. He has his moments, but scenes like the arrival of Superman Prime or the Anti-Monitor fall flat and do not mirror the gravity of the situation. He does a great job with the Parallax stuff though and the scene with John Stewart unloading into him or the huge splash page of Hal / Kyle Parallax represent the quality I am use to on this title.

Now don't let the overly negative tone of this reveiw so far fool you. This is still an excellent issue and a worthy addition to the Sinestro Corps War saga Johns is weaving. My biggest complaint is just with the timing of it and the placement of the story. Last month had Sinestro arriving at Earth. Last week had the war with Mogo and Ranx end and the rest of the GL Corps on their way to back up Earth. Along with that was the Cyborg Superman special showcasing the battle with Superman and Cyborg that ended with him defeating Superman. To have this lackluster issue that deals with an inner struggle just ruined all my expectations of a climactic battle and ruined all the build up of the last month's worth of books.

This comic still gets a must buy from me and you'd be a fool to pass it up. I may not agree with what Johns decided to do with the story at this stage of the game, but it's still a damn good book and one of the best on the market.

Verdict - Must Read

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