Wednesday, November 28, 2007

All-Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder #8 Review

Written by Frank Miller
Art by Jim Lee and Scott Williams

All-Star Batman is always polarizing for people. Some love, some hate it and I'm sure the haters will be complaining about this new tattooed version of the Joker. Not sure what that tattoo adds to his character, but I really enjoyed Miller's take on him. He felt like a real serial killer and credible threat and not just a comic book character making some corny jokes. It's only been one appearance, but I think I like this version of Joker more than the mainstream one. That might have something to do with the overexposed nature of his regular DCU version though.

However, much like every issue of ASB&R, the story is all over the place. Black Canary, who's been featured heavily since the start of this series, doesn't show up this time around in favour of showcasing Joker, having Batman make call Green Lantern a moron and a cameo of Catwoman. A lot of stuff happens, but with all the scene changes, it feels like nothing happened at the same time. As an aside, I love Catwoman's new costume. It's like a blend of the old purple one with some new touches from Lee.

If you like this series, there's more of the goddamn Batman in this issue. However, I don't think 'goddamn' is used once this issue. Batman is still insane though and his over the top dialogue is as entertaining as always.

Verdict - Must Read. I really enjoy this book and this issue continues with the hilariously over the top version of Batman that Miller has been writing since issue one. However, if you still can't stand this version of Batman, this issue won't change your opinion on this book. Otherwise, it's a great read.

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