Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Annihilation: Conquest #1 Review

Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Tom Raney

Last year, Marvel revived their long forgotten cosmic heroes with the smash hit Annihilation event. Actually, event makes it sound like some generic and forced line wide crossover designed to cash in on fans. Annihilation was built around characters and their stories first and then made into an event once Marvel realized people were enjoying and, most importantly, buying the books in droves, unlike typical events that were designed with the cash draw tag line first and then add in whatever characters fit the bill later.

Like any business, Marvel saw the success of the first Annihilation and quickly gave the green light to a sequel in the form of this week's Annihilation: Conquest. Does Conquest live up to expectations? Is it just a cheap cash grab on Marvel's part? Read on for these answers and more.

I'm going to just say it right away. Conquest is so much more than a simple cash in on the newly revived space heroes. The same creative team behind the original Annihilation is back in full force with this very solid opening issue. There's lots of big reveals, from the villain to what Adam Warlock has been up to, combined with a well paced plot that hits all the right notes.

If you were too weak willed, much like myself, you spoiled the big reveal of the villain behind the Phalanx. Despite knowing who it was going in, I was still impressed with everything the issue had to offer and, while the villain's presence is explained in this issue, I'm sure it will quickly be addressed by the end of the series.

If you missed last week's Quasar, you'll be surprised to see Adam Warlock's appearance in this issue. The issue does an excellent job bringing readers up to speed on the events of Quasar's mini-series and the brunt of this issue was dedicated to Warlock and his premature rebirth. As many speculated, he's not quite up to snuff and his memory is full of holes.

It appears the billions of souls from the deaths caused during the first Annihilation Wave caused Adam to enter the cocoon. What many of the spoilers from last week's issue don't tell you, however, is that Adam has been working with the man that gave him his name - none other than the High Evolutionary, himself. If the villain reveal was spoiled on you and you happen to know anything about Adam Warlock's past, this was quite the shock reveal in and of itself.

As far as the bad in this issue, I honestly can't see anything to complain about. The art is top notch. Plenty of shocking reveals and the return of several popular characters to the Marvel Universe combined with a tight plot make this just about as good a read as you can expect from any book.

Verdict - Must Read. This is the start of the sequel to the incredible Annihilation from last year. It's got everything that made the last one great and looks to be following in its predecessor's footsteps.

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