Wednesday, October 31, 2007

52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen #3 Review

Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Pat Olliffe and John Stanisci

Well, this was another let down of an issue. For three straight months this book has managed to do nothing. I'm not even sure what I'm reading for anymore.

All that's happened over the course of 3 issues is that the Four Horsemen have been revived. That's it. On top of that, Giffen's managed to tell us the ending to the series already by beating us over the head numerous times that the only way to defeat the Horsemen is to use the technology on Oolong island that birthed them to send them back to Apokolips.

I'm seriously considering dropping this, but I've already bought the first 3 issues. The collector mentality wants me to continue buying this series just for the sake of completing it, but I honestly don't see the point. Maybe there'll be a fight or something sometime between now and issue 6?

Verdict - Avoid It. I can't see any reason for this series to exist except to undermine Black Adam's killing of the Horsemen, proving yet again that only the Big Three can truly defeat a major menace. Skip this non-story and wait for issue 5 or 6 when Giffen finally tells a story and tries to wrap everything up. Everything so far has been a waste of space.

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