Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith #4 Review

Written by Javier Grillo-Marxuach
Art by Kyle Hotz

For the supposed climactic conclusion to the Wraith mini-series, a book that should have got me pumped and excited for the upcoming Conquest series, this comic continued to disappoint. While not bad, it ended up similar to every other issue of Wraith - generic mystery character with undefined powers fighting waves of faceless Phalanx cannon fodder.

With the release of Super Skrull and Praxagora by Wraith, I assumed we'd see some character development or their relationship expanded upon or something concerning those characters. The only purpose they served in this issue was as background pieces in the mindless Phalanx fight scenes. It seems like they were just thrown in for the sake of having them there in this case, as you could substitute just about anyone into the fight scenes to take their place and there would be no impact on the story.

While Ronan looked stoic and fairly reluctant in his resistance / servitude to the Phalanx in previous issues, this issue ends with him crying like a baby asking Wraith to kill him after being freed of the Phalanx control because he thinks he's a traitor to the Kree for "helping" the Phalanx. After building up Ronan to the point where I actually cared about him in Annihilation, I found this development a major step back from what we got of the man that freed his people from the aristocracy and became the new Emperor at the end of Annihilation.

Apparently, the only purpose of this series ended up being to kill the Supreme Intelligence - again - and have Wraith devour his soul as he dies. I assume this will allow Supremor to live on in Wraith or give him access to his knowledge or some variation of this theme, but, as far as I can tell, they could have did this entire series in about one issue.

Verdict - Check It. While not a great book, and easily the weakest of the Conquest tie-ins, this issue does set the stage for the Kree resistance for the upcoming Conquest series proper. If this is the worst book you check out this week, you're in good shape.

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