Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting & Mike Perkins
This was one of the best issue of Brubaker's incredible Captain America run to date. I cannot recommend this issue, or book, enough. Brubaker immediately throws us into the action by continuing with Bucky's confrontation with Lukin, who he finally realized was the Red Skull last issue when Crossbones and Sin walked in on him. Bucky shows why he was one of the best assassins in the world as the Winter Soldier and quickly takes down the Skull's backup. Skull, completely underwhelmed by this, merely mocks Bucky throughout the fight before activating a one-time shut down code for Bucky from his Winter Soldier days.
Throughout the book, we get several looks at Tony Stark, as he starts putting the pieces of the puzzle together regarding the Serpent Society attack that freed Crossbones in previous issues. This leads them to Dr Benjamin, the SHIELD psychiatrist Dr Faust replaced. They quickly find his home deserted and upon searching the premises, they find Dr Benjamin's real body stuffed in a freezer, where he had been for a long time, prompting more thorough investigation into all agents that had come into contact with him.
Around this time, Brubaker drops the biggest bomb of the issue on us in the form of Sharon Carter. She's been experiencing nausea and other symptoms over the last couple issues and we find her in her bathroom with a pregnancy test. Yes, it appears a Baby Cap is on the way unless Brubaker throws some kind of curve ball our way.
Following up on this revelation, Tony begins reviewing the Fallen Son footage of Cap's death and starts piecing together more and more pieces of the puzzle. With the fake Dr Benjamin knowledge, he is looking at the footage in a new light and comes to the realization Sharon was responsible for the followup shots on Cap! On top of this, we get a quick glimpse at the letter Cap had delivered to Tony post-death several issues ago. The issue continues on a roller coaster ride as the various plot points all intersect when Falcon and Black Widow show up at Sharon's place. Dr Faust's programming activates and she takes down both heroes just as Tony is warning Black Widow about Sharon's involvement with Cap's death.
Finally, Tony is seen suiting up and calling in SHIELD agents to assist when Widow stops responding. Just as he is leaving, we get a full shot of the letter from Cap. Basically, Cap asks Tony to look after Bucky and not let him turn back into the monster he was as the Winter Soldier. The last thing he asks is that Tony not let the legacy of Captain America die. America needs a Captain, now more than ever, according to Steve, and he wants Tony to preserve that dream.
An incredible issue with tonnes of information to digest with several shocking revelations. Who will be the new Cap? Will Bucky take this letter as a sign Cap wants him to take up the mantle? What about Hawkeye? Tony asked him once, will this change his mind? Based on the cover previews and Red Skull and Dr Faust's capture of Bucky, it looks like they reprogram him as Winter Soldier and force him to fight or try to assassinate Tony. I'm not sure what Skulls overall plan is, but this series just kicked into high gear and this is easily the Book of the Week. No matter what you do, do not miss the issue.
Verdict - Must Read
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