Written by Geoff Johns & Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens
Johns does another incredible job with Booster Gold's second issue. I am a sucker for time travel and alternate universe stories. Books like Exiles, at least back when it first launched, and Mutant X, and Booster Gold is probably one of the best ones I have read so far. The premise is perfect and Johns is weaving an excellent story. He has a perfect grasp of DC continuity and excels in these types of stories.
Last issue, Supernova, or at least someone in the costume, spoke with Sinestro, back before he turned evil. This issue, we find out he told him Guy Gardner was set to become the greatest Green Lantern ever and would replace Sinestro. Sinestro does not take kindly to this and heads to Earth to investigate. Rip Hunter reveals to Booster that if Sinestro encounters Guy now, it will end up with Guy becoming the first Green Lantern instead of Hal and eventually lead to Sinestro forming his Sinestro Corps earlier and lead to him taking over the universe unopposed.
The bulk of the issue deals with Booster fighting with Sinestro, trying to stop him from speaking with Guy. In the end, Booster appeals to Sinestro vanity and uses his ego to convince him that Booster is from the future where Sinestro is still revered as the greatest Green Lantern ever. When Sinestro asks him what corps Booster is with, as he is wearing all yellow with a yellow ring, Gold tells him he is with the Sinestro Corps. This leads to the best panel of the issue with the mustacheeo twirling Sinestro pondering an entire Corps built in his name, most likely planting the eventual seeds for the current Sinestro Corps featured in Green Lantern.
Once he has taken care of Sinestro, Booster decides he needs to find out what is wrong with Guy, as he had been tailing him all day and was wondering why he was acting so distant and different from his usual self. After speaking with him at a bar, he finds out Guy's abusive father is dying in the hospital and wants to speak with Guy before he dies. In a rare touching moment from Booster, we learn about his own father's criminal activities and how Booster sacrificed a lot for him and never had a chance to say goodbye when he died and how he would have liked that. This inspires Guy to head back home to spend time with his father and give him one last chance before he dies. Skeets later informs Gold that this event leads Guy farther away from the Abin Sur crash site and causes Hal to become the first Green Lantern of Earth instead.
As Booster returns to his time ship, the Green Lantern death certificate changes into a Superman one. Before he can react to this, Rip Hunter is found beaten nearly to death and Supernova appears outside the ship, waving to Booster before flying off into a time vortex. This ends with Supernova, in disguise, speaking with Jonah Hex in the old wild west era. How this will lead to the death of Superman, I do not know, but I cannot wait to find out. Great issue all around. Jurgens art is clean and serves its purpose, but I am not a major fan of his, but I have no major complaint about it either.
Verdict - Must Read
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